Selective guide

20 unusual watches for the interior


If you think you only need a wall clockin order to show the time - our article will surprise you. We will show you a clock that can decorate not only the interior, but also a gallery of modern art. Today, clocks in the interior are designed to perform not only their direct function - to show the time. Modern wall clocks are sometimes so unusual that one would like to call them works of art rather than an object of engineering thought. Unusual clocks can become an accent of a wall and even an entire interior. Therefore, before thinking about what kind of photographs and pictures to fill the wall with, you should at least look at how the clock can transform the interior of your room. It is simply impossible to remain indifferent to some of the watch models. To understand, which is actually an hour, in this case you will have to get a little stiff, but what impression this watch will make on your guests! The idea of ​​this model is simple to the extreme. And we even think that you can make such a clock yourself. This is also an excellent example for independent work: it requires, in fact, only a clockwork with arrows. Already an unnecessary bicycle wheel, then almost everyone has either in the country, or on the mezzanine. But this is an expensive version of the "homemade", then a sortie to the country house or mezzanine will not do. We were going to show only wall variants in this article, but these watches did not leave us indifferent. Fantastic idea: clock in the form of a twisting fan. To determine the time for them is not so simple, but how many emotions this thing gives. And how fascinating is watching the change in the shape of these quaint hours! This model is good because the numbers can be located both in the immediate vicinity of the center of the clock, and at a distance, taking almost the entire wall. Agree, not everyone will be able to guess right away,that before you is not a hanger, not an artificial branch and not a device for measuring atmospheric phenomena for example. To quickly determine the time, you will have to get a little skilled. Another one is either a fan, or origami. Although not very clear, but a stylish little thing. Clock with arrows from pencils or branches is easy to make by yourself - in many stores for the arrangement of the house there are on sale mechanisms for wall clocks. And then - a matter of fantasy. And you could tell at once, looking at this watch, which is now the hour? The left eye of the toy watch represents the watch, andright - minutes. However, when such a cute creature takes root in your kitchen, your attitude towards watches will change completely. By the way, you can buy this watch in ours.

