Считаете, что удел серого цвета — быть невзрачным background in utility rooms? We are sure: it can be self-sufficient, interesting and appropriate not only in the kitchen or in the hallway, but also in the formal living room is increasingly called the new beige: slowly but surely it is gaining the position of the main base, and it also looks great as an accent. The variety of shades (from slate to ash), stylistic versatility and equally successful combinations with bright, pastel or the same neutral colors are its main advantages. In the interior, gray can set a strict minimalist mood or enhance the feeling of home comfort, set you up for relaxation or help you concentrate - depending on what you combine it with. In this article, we have collected 25 cool living rooms in which gray appears in different styles, shades and proportions and which will definitely inspire you.
25 Living Rooms That Will Change Your Attitude Towards Gray – etk-fashion.com