A small kitchen is a problem for the housewife.And you don't even want to cook when everything around you is inconveniently arranged. But you can also create a work of art in a small kitchen. How? Very simple, and in this article today we will look at 5 basic rules for convenient distribution of space. These 5 techniques are considered the most successful, and they can create a miracle and multifunctionality of a small kitchen room.
1 reception: furniture
Among modern manufacturers, almosteveryone is understanding about the small area. Therefore, you can find enough furniture that will be functional and comfortable. These are various drawers that can serve not only for dishes, but also as a table and chairs.It is also better to choose a set with light colorssurfaces made of glossy or metallic material, but let the cabinets and apron be dark. This technique will visually make the space wider due to the fact that the furniture will look massive.
2 tricks: color
It is better to choose white as the base shade, orcream. This is the best option for a small space. But you can also use bright accents, whether it is a brightly colored refrigerator - orange, or any other object.
3 tricks: light
There should be a lot of it. And both natural and artificial lighting are good. Additional sources can be spotlights and LED lights.
4 reception: bar counter
It is, in fact, the best choice. It will provide space for storing dishes. And it can also be the very item that will divide the space into 2 parts: the kitchen and dining areas.
5 reception: freedom
It is possible to achieve more of itby replacing bulky cabinets with open shelves. They can also be used to store various cooking essentials. Pans and saucepans can be hung separately on the wall. More open space is the main trick for a small room.