What we suddenly came to in kitchen design,in fact, it has long since happened to the interiors of our parents or grandparents. Today we will recall 5 trends from the past that have returned to us in 2016.
As it says in one old book,rewritten an incredible number of times, "there is nothing new under the sun." Everything that was will return, everything that is, once already shone with novelty. And so fashion trends are regaining the popularity lost in the last century - and in our case, even the millennium. 1. Tiled work surface
In times of shortage and not alwayshigh-quality kitchen sets, "handy" craftsmen tried in every possible way to give the furniture an attractive and more or less cozy look. One of the techniques was to cover the tabletop of the dining or cutting table with ceramic tiles. If you managed to find beautiful examples with a pattern, you could get a small masterpiece. Now there are countless options for this technology of forced transformation.
2. Curtains instead of doors
It is difficult to guess the reason for this trend.But curtains of this kind were once found not only in village houses, but also in catering establishments, and sometimes in city apartments. Now linen and cotton curtains on kitchen cabinets can be seen in country houses in the country style or Scandinavian minimalism. The owners of such interiors claim that this option is very convenient.
3. Colored facades
About expensive solid wood as a facade materialhalf a century ago, it was impossible to even dream of decorating kitchen cabinets. That is why kitchens were increasingly produced covered with colored film or simply painted in various, often neutral, bleached shades. Now designers prefer rich shades of emerald and sea depths. Although, of course, you can find countless options, or, in extreme cases, choose your own ideal shade from the palette and dress your kitchen in it.
4. "Golden" mixers
This trend was not for everyone.But in some wealthy houses it was still found. Either it is dreams of the sweet life of kings, who probably even have golden toilets, or a sense of beauty that has stepped over the sense of reason. This year, metals are relevant in the design of anything, and combinations of their shades are only welcome.
5. Flowers in the kitchen
In the days of our parents' youth, indoorPlants were one of the main tools for creating coziness, and, of course, they were also found in sufficient quantities in the kitchen. True, in the last century, aloe and violets mostly stood on window sills, today, in times of freedom and new opportunities, indoor plants of various types and sizes can be hung on the ceiling or placed between cups. Moreover, the fashion for living nature, ecology and green color will not end for a very long time.