Doors, windows, walls, floors and ceilings - isn't thisenough to feel at home and calmly put things away? Our answer is no! You need much more, at least 9 more things. Perhaps you are renting temporary housing, are in a settlement, or even using your living space exclusively as a place to sleep — in any case, you need these nine things. If you do not have them in your life, this very life may very well end very soon. And this is not an exaggeration. About half of the list will protect you from mortal danger, the other half will save you from depression and a lot of awkward moments. 1. Towels You will need a towel in any case. And more than once. Firstly, your apartment may well be visited by a muslin young lady, in whom one day, passing by a public canteen, you will see a languid dream of your youth. And what will you answer the girl who wants to wipe the remains of sanitary gel from her hands? Secondly, going to bed without drying yourself after a shower is only pleasant in the summer. As the weather gets colder, you'll be counting the minutes until your body heat dries your wet sheets. So, think about it: Towels are a good thing.2. Duplicate keys You are independent. Free.Self-sufficient. You don’t need witnesses to your success. You can do everything yourself. And then one day, while choosing an outfit in your dressing room, you trip over a shoe box and fall very awkwardly, breaking your hip. And you’re wearing Adam’s costume, or Eve’s, but you have a phone. Who are we going to call first? The brave guys with a grinder and a willingness to carry you in their arms to the car on the other side of the street, or a friend with a duplicate of the keys? 3. Cutlery Even the most reserved freelancers sometimes stop snacking on chips with soda and order food delivery. And you know what? Not every food service establishment includes plastic forks and spoons with your order. Have you ever eaten pasta carbonara with your hands?
4.An Art Object Why do you need it? The reason is as simple and obvious as a door handle — a person without ideals and passions is like a plastic bag in the wind: he gets in the way, irritates and upsets by the very fact of his existence. An art object is not a canary made of plasticine, and certainly not a reproduction of the Mona Lisa torn from a magazine. We mean an original fruit of someone else’s mind, with an author and a story. Hint: music is also an art. Especially if it is recorded on vinyl. 5. A Set of Tools A screwdriver, pliers, an adjustable wrench… Do these words mean anything to you? One day, you will accidentally rip the handle off the toilet door, shake your favorite chair, knock the door off its hinges and remember how you read these lines and smugly waved your hand: “this is not about me.”
6.Comfort Zone You are a very busy, versatile person who, in his kingdom of minimalism and silence, prefers only to sleep. We get it. But one day the sky will burst open on a Saturday morning and decide to pour out everything that has accumulated on your orderly little world. You are unlikely to want to walk in a raincoat in the park on this day. That's when a comfortable green chair, pillows piled in the corner, or even a whole sofa against the wall will come in handy. Every person should have a favorite place in the house. And it can't be a bed! 7. Sleeping place Are you also going to sleep off the next world? Great! The very first sleepless night will give your brain irreversible changes. The third "cheerful" night will bring hallucinations. It will only get more interesting from here. In short, if you are not an experienced yogi, a normal sleeping place is vital. At least a good mattress.
8.Favorite Thing In moments of absolute grief, gloomy despondency, sadness, nostalgia and just idleness, we all need something that will bring us back to earth and remind us of something important, warm, familiar and pleasant. It could be an old toy from childhood chewed by a dog, a notebook of a geologist grandfather, dad's watch without a second hand or a pillow with langoliers embroidered by mom's hand. Whatever it is, it should lie in a secluded place and be your personal elixir of spiritual comfort. 9. Cleaning products If you are not a crazy biochemist creating new life forms on the surface of two-month-old borscht, "Mr. Propper", "Mole" and "Fairy" will certainly come in handy. Yes, yes, household chemicals provoke the emergence of the most extraordinary diseases, but there is also good protection against this infection - water. Just rinse the detergent off your dishes, sink, windows, and floors. And you'll be fine. We've tested it.
All illustrations were made by designer and artist Inga Azhgirey especially for this article. Reprinting and republication are possible only with the written permission of the editors.
9 things you can't move into an apartment without –