Is it possible to raise three children, designfurniture, train future designers, and in the meantime receive awards from the President? Today we are telling you about the real life of designer Elena Cheburashkina. From October 12 to 15, as part of the international exhibition iSaloni WorldWide Moscow, a competition for young designers, SaloneSatellite WorldWide Moscow — 2016, was held. There, Roomble met designer Elena Cheburashkina and discussed the competition, personal achievements, and plans for the future with her. Elena was born on June 26, 1986, graduated from the Moscow State University of Art and Industry named after S. G. Stroganov, in the Department of Artistic Furniture Design, and has been teaching there since 2008. Her husband, Kirill Cheburashkin, heads the department, and together they take on very different and interesting projects. One of these is managing the reconstruction of typical Moscow kindergartens and creating them in accordance with all the requirements for preschool institutions. We have three children ourselves, so the topic of kindergartens is close and understandable to us. And since our main focus is furniture, we have not only developed design projects, but also created individual pieces of children's furniture, which we have people to test.
Kindergartens, work on which is already underwayThe Cheburashkins and their department, there are more than 300 in Moscow. And for Elena it is very important not only to complete the task, but also to show that even outdated premises with an inconvenient layout are easier and cheaper to reconstruct than to demolish - if you approach it wisely. In December, we will finish work on the next group and will definitely invite officials to look at the result. We want to convince them that our work is not only useful and beautiful - it is also economically profitable. And in general, we are very pleased to be part of such an important social project!
The main advantage for the city as the main customeralso in the fact that the Furniture Department is not a commercial enterprise, but an educational and research institution. Therefore, the designers were more focused on good results and gaining experience than on profit. In preparation for their work, they spent days on end in kindergartens, delving into the process of working with children and identifying problems - those. It is not surprising that in 2015, Elena became a laureate of the President of the Russian Federation Prize for young cultural figures for her contribution to the development of domestic design and art education. After all, my main occupation is to teach students to design furniture. And all my main plans and dreams are connected with the development of my native department, although we are already growing very quickly. The main problem now is that about 30% of students leave the university as dropouts, and we want 100% to graduate as professionals.
At the department where Elena and her husband work,There really is an amazing team of teachers and graduates to be proud of, and graduates have the opportunity to participate in exhibitions, including international ones. Of the 44 participants in SaloneSatellite WorldWide Moscow this year, 17 are Elena's protégés, and this is a new record for the Furniture Department. By the way, when we talked to Elena, the future winner was not yet known, but she immediately identified it. In the 21st century, a trend has developed in design that a thing should not just be comfortable and beautiful - it should evoke vivid emotions and inspire. Of all the contestants this year, I would single out Tanya Repina and her pine furniture - this is an example of what is expected from a modern designer.
Elena Cheburashkina: interview with a young Russian interior designer