Zaha Hadid, Peter Cook, Hitoshi Abe are the bestThe world's leading architects have created a new campus for Europe's largest university for economics and business. Admiration for the campus and amazement at its construction - from our architectural tour of Vienna Vienna's architecture is experiencing a real boom: the tallest building in Austria has been erected, a curved residential tower has been built in a complex of reconstructed gasometers, and a stunning central railway station has been created... Vienna strives to be eternally young, dynamic, and vibrant! The atmosphere of a city under construction and changing is very inspiring, which is why Austria was chosen for another architectural tour.Universities in Austria with highinternationally rated, attract thousands of students, bringing life to the city of frozen music. For example, the Vienna University of Economics is the largest university in Europe dedicated to training specialists in business and economics. In the context of the ever-increasing number of applicants, a new campus was built.
This particular object in Vienna was especially interesting to us.интересен из-за сосредоточения строений, выполненных по проектам архитекторов мирового масштаба. Например, там возведена библиотека и учебный центр Захи Хадид. Её произведения обязательно входят в программу архитектурных экскурсий Roomble — это наша «визитная карточка». Новый кампус Венского экономического университета Общая площадь кампуса WU (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien) — около 100 000 квадратных метров: 35 000 метров — здания, остальное — общедоступное открытое пространство. Стоимость строительства всего проекта составила 492 млн евро.
In addition to classrooms, libraries and offices,The infrastructure of the complex includes a restaurant, bakery, supermarket, bookstores, kindergarten and sports center. The complex was designed by the world's leading architectural firms, taking into account all the needs for successful education and work, and is implemented using energy-efficient Green Building technologies.
The Executive Academy building, designed by the Madrid-based architectural firm NO.MAD Arquitectos, is dedicated to the postgraduate education process.
The facade is ventilated, made of glass and aluminum.The sky and nature are reflected in it, which perfectly integrates the building into the surrounding environment. The upper floors offer a stunning panorama of Vienna and the nearby Prater park.
The principle is also applied in interior designmonomaterialism: aluminum and glass in the finishing of the floor, walls, lighting fixtures. Concrete was used as the basic finishing material, which is perceived ambiguously: yes, this solution meets the latest design trends, but it is emotionally difficult to work in a "concrete box".
TC/D1 Training Center Building,designed by Viennese architects from BUSarchitektur ZT GmbH, it is designed for 5,000 students. Among them, the name of the building Rusty (rusty) is popular - for the facade finishing with Corten steel sheets, which are also used in the interior design.
The glass insert that connects is interestingsections: conceptually, this is a break in form, functionally - natural lighting. The designers took an unusual solution to the problem of light protection, using not blinds, but shutters with a very dense mesh.
In addition to classrooms, the building housesan auditorium, a café whose walls are light boxes with adjustable backlight intensity, and an auditorium in the atrium with an exploitable roof - a free space equipped with tables for work. Notable are several levels connected by ramps and zoning with partitions for individualization of space.
D2 and Student Center Four-story buildingD2 by Atelier Hitoshi Abe from Japan consists of two sections, has a complex shape and a floor-by-floor wave-like curve with a facade made of thin layers. The dynamics and graphic nature are emphasized by the alternation of materials.
The building houses a research institute with large auditoriums, a student self-government centre for Austria, a business library, a sports centre and a supermarket.
D3 and administration, author of the project - Peter CookArchitectural firm — CRABstudio, London. The authors made a bold and controversial decision — to finish the facade with rough, untreated boards. They have a sun protection function and give the building an unusual, dynamic look. It looks very impressive, but causes controversy among professionals regarding the ease of use.
Building D3 has a complex structure:passages, niches, terraces, atriums, open spaces with seating are created to enjoy the views of the nearby green Prater. The AD building is a straight line in the middle of the campus.
The facades of the first floors of both buildings were closedand reduced the window openings to a minimum — with the exception of the library, conference room and pastry shop, which are entirely glazed. The complex houses three departments, four research institutes, and also houses the WU administration.
In we wrote about our admiration for the landscapedesign of Vienna, its sophistication and unity with the architecture. And this is especially evident in the design of the new student campus: the architects not only designed the buildings, but also took care to create a cozy atmosphere on the territory. The example of the landscape ensemble created by the bureau of Peter Cook shows that the plants were selected that are characteristic of this geographical area, the seasonality was taken into account and the feeling of a natural summer landscape was created, which promotes relaxation and pleasantly contrasts with the purpose of the campus.
D4 and D5 Facade design and building layout D4,designed by another Spanish firm, Estudio Carme Pinós S.L., were conditioned by the need to create small spaces, only about six square meters, for individual work or for groups of several people. The requirement to provide two windows for each classroom was also met, they were located at different heights. This is how the view was created, reminiscent of Tetris. Even the interior design is geometric - both in the layout and in the decoration. The sun protection problem is solved here with the help of sliding aluminum blinds, which also add variety to the facade depending on the opening.
Department of Strategy and Innovation, DivisionWU demographics, the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and student dormitories are all housed in the D5 building, designed by the Berlin-based firm Holzer Kobler Architekturen and Freimüller Söllinger. It was the last building to be completed, opening in 2015.
Zaha Hadid Library and Learning Centre
The desire to visit the University of Vienna appearedthanks to the presence of a building within the complex designed by the team Zaha Hadid Architects. We have previously had the pleasure of admiring their work during and in .
Beyond Vienna with its stunningly beautiful libraryNew York will follow soon - we want to carefully examine each ingenious creation of this architectural studio. The futuristic architecture attracts attention with its originality, making the library building perhaps the most unusual of all that we saw. The part of the building with white cladding is used by administrative and service departments, and the black segment is used as work areas for students. The glazed facade of the console is called a monitor.
The interior space is very laconic andconvenient. Everything is provided for, down to the smallest detail. Functional, simple solutions for organizing leisure space are used. All equipment, right down to the turnstiles, is designed by Zaha.
The two parts of the building are connected by glass.The main entrance is oriented towards the central square of the WU campus and is highlighted by a cantilevered roof. Inside, visitors find themselves in a spacious atrium, the elements of which are perceived as a single whole - some forms flow smoothly into others, emphasized and at the same time united by black and white graphics, for example, a contrasting strip from the entrance through the reception area and turnstiles to the lobby to the elevators.
The accessible environment has been developed:For visitors with disabilities, there are ramps on all floors, unlike the Peter Cook building, but they have categorically refused to have bicycle parks.
Each of the WU buildings is mind-blowingwith its special characteristics and architectural solutions. The new campus of the Vienna University of Economics and Business not only increased the area of the institution, but also became an architectural object of world significance, a must-see on the list of Vienna attractions.
The editors would like to thank Konstantin Isakov ( ) and the Neue Wiener Werkstätte company for their assistance in organizing the trip.
Sightseeing in Vienna: the best university of economics