Almost anything can be made from plywood todayinterior items - furniture, zoning partitions and even sinks with bathtubs. It is environmentally friendly, practical and visually attractive. Today we will tell you why it is so popular. In the last two decades, people have become more demanding of what surrounds them, especially when it comes to their own homes. Modern rhythms of life force people to increasingly turn their gaze towards nature. More and more often, people change city dwellings for country houses or strive to create their own "green corner" in the apartment. Quality of life has become one of the determining factors of human success. The desire to surround oneself with objects made of environmentally friendly natural materials has turned into an unconscious protest against the total urbanization of society for modern people.
A budget alternative to wood Todayday plywood is one of the most unique materials for the production of furniture and interior decoration in houses and apartments. And this is not accidental. Plywood is a natural material that does not emit toxic substances during operation and also has a beautiful natural pattern. At the same time, plywood is several times cheaper than solid wood, which directly affects the final cost of products in the direction of reduction. Plywood has a relatively small weight, has high strength due to its structure, is easy to process. This makes it possible to achieve the most exquisite design forms and makes plywood an ideal material for making furniture and creating interiors. These are the factors that determined the current success of a unique material for furniture production and the ability to embody an interior from plywood
Style and Versatility Speaking ofmultifunctionality, it should be especially emphasized that plywood is used in rooms of any purpose - from the bathroom to the living room. Everything that concerns the manufacture of furniture, decorative items and lighting, the construction of free-standing partitions, designer fences, zoning of rooms, finishing of walls, floors and other structures - plywood can be used everywhere. Smooth lines and shapes of the material can be combined with various design directions. Thanks to this, plywood products, be it furniture, decorative elements or designer finishing, can be easily integrated into a room of any size and configuration.
Advantages of plywood in the Russian marketa huge range of plywood types is presented, which makes it easy to choose the right option for specific purposes. Plywood is a product that is made from various types of wood: birch, aspen, pine, poplar. There is also combined plywood (from several types of wood), laminated, bent, moisture-resistant, bakelized (this type of plywood is used in aggressive climates, sea water, aggressive environments and for construction and finishing work), marine (analogous to bakelized, but less durable) and even colored! By the way, although wood is considered a more noble material, it is impossible to achieve such curved and complex shapes from it, while its price is several times higher than the cost of plywood.
A Brief History Unique Properties of Plywoodwere valued more than 5,000 years ago, but later unfairly forgotten. The first sheets of pressed wood veneer were invented by the ancient inhabitants of Mesopotamia, they glued several layers of wood to make it stronger. However, wood processing in the modern sense began only at the end of the 18th century in Great Britain. At the same time, in the West, they began to produce furniture and interiors from plywood, which was due to the high cost of solid wood. In Russia, plywood appeared only in the middle of the 19th century and was mainly used in industrial sectors: in aircraft manufacturing, weapons technology, rocket engineering, mechanical engineering, in the manufacture of musical instruments, etc. Furniture was preferred to be made of solid wood, which was an indicator of wealth in the family and a dream for most ordinary citizens. "Simpler" furniture is still preferred to be made of veneer. It is this particular feature of the Russian worldview that for many years prevented designers and furniture manufacturers from looking at plywood with different eyes and appreciating all of its advantages.
Design Experiments European ExperienceThe creation of furniture and interiors from plywood has advanced far ahead. The most unimaginable masterpieces of design and architecture can be found in Western apartments, offices and on European streets.
Development trends in Russia In RussiaDesign thought has shifted towards plywood quite recently. In search of new forms and possibilities, people have started trying different materials and styles, freer and more unusual ones. But on a national scale, the topic of making furniture from plywood still remains relevant. However, individual projects of interiors, furniture items and decor made of plywood are already appearing. And if there is demand, then supply will not keep you waiting. Anton Tikhonov, the ideological founder, author and technologist of the Inplywood furniture studio: - The Inplywood furniture and interior design studio was one of the first on the Russian market to produce designer furniture, interiors and decor items from plywood. At first, we were ordered furniture and accessories only for public places: cafes, offices, showrooms, but now the situation has changed. People are already ready to use plywood in their private interiors. Even in Russia, it has become fashionable to make wall paneling from plywood, covering it with varnish or paint to look like metal. In general, I believe that plywood is the future. This is a very convenient material from which, using laser cutting, you can create truly amazing and functional items.
photos courtesy of Inplywood studio
Plywood in the interior: designer furniture and home accessories