What happens when they take on repairsnon-professionals? Today etk-fashion.com decided to publish humorous alphabetical pictures, selected by architect Dmitry Sivak on this topic. Well, as they say, it's better to see once... Dmitry told us the story of his development in the design field. This story seemed very interesting to us, so we decided to publish it in full.— It all started in the summer in Odessa, in 2010,right after receiving my diploma. Having worked in several companies, I realized that I categorically disagreed with the approach to work and the vision of architecture of the directors there. Classicism reigned everywhere: both in facades and in interiors. And the directors made concessions to any wishes of the customer. No one cared what would happen. For some time, I was looking for associates - those who would think in the same direction as me. As it turned out, many architects and designers are extremely vain, and not all are ready for teamwork. Your own name on a project is sometimes more important than joint efforts to achieve a good result. Post-crisis times and the absence of parents who were architects at first made the work very difficult: there were few orders. In addition, Odessa is not Moscow, there has always been less work here. Nevertheless, there was no point in giving up, because I .
A year and a half ago, after several unsuccessfularchitectural "tandems", I finally found a like-minded person. After which our joint business began to go uphill. Our new studio will soon be a year old. However, now we already have projects in several countries, and simultaneously. And the team, which has grown to ten people, is busy with work.
Over the past five years I have seen a huge number ofpeople who spent up to six years gave up in the first year of the crisis. Many went into various related fields. But not me. Only those who really want to do it remain in architecture and design. However, there are still many wolves in sheep's clothing here. But that's not the point now. Dmitry Sivak, architect And now the long-awaited pictures.
Renovation without a designer: 22 exclusive examples – etk-fashion.com