Design and Decor

Where to hide the wires when charging the phone: 10 original decor ideas -


Every modern person has a mobilephone and other gadgets that constantly need to be charged. Tired of getting tangled up in the wires, you need to hide them as original as possible. We will help you with this! At least once a day - according to statistics, giving average data - you need to charge your mobile phone. Many do not limit themselves to one device, but also add a tablet, an e-book, and a bunch of other useful gadgets. There are indeed many devices that are eager to "recharge" energy. And if there are five people in a family? The number is multiplying literally before our eyes, curling up into an unraveling ball, spoiling the interior with its appearance. How to hide them in the most original and tasteful way? Let's figure it out and wonder together. Just for a large family, the idea is realized,Outwardly resembling a mail box with a compartment for everyone. Nobody gets confused if they remember a personal cell. The storehouse can be made of wood, plastic, yes even from the shoe box! And if there are still signed wires hanging out, the place of charging becomes not only beautiful, but also the most functional. Old vintage suitcase can also be used as a place to recharge the phone. The main thing is to approach the task as creatively as possible, and the result will not be long in coming! The old breadbasket, which has not been used for a long time,Can find a second life. A clear division of the internal space and the organic nature of the external design will allow you to place it anywhere, and you can hide not only phones and tablets, but also important trifles. You can make a separate shelf, where willBuilt-in charging system. You can hang a shelf also where only the soul wants, and the number of variations of its appearance and style is so great that you can spend long hours on the Internet in search of suitable. Remained unnecessary? You can make a lot of interesting things out of it, and an original stand for gadgets is far from the only option. As we know, even a bed can be made from such boxes! It is possible to single out a separate shelf in the cabinet, quiteHiding from the eyes of smartphones and tablets. Even contrive to conduct on the inner walls of the wire, get the warmest and most comfortable place for your devices. They will say "thank you". Bedside table, lamp, candlestick and old book. But no, the lost wire makes it clear that there is a phone hidden somewhere. And what about charging in the most prominent place? No problem! Located in the middle of the room and showing on the general view of the wire, this place nevertheless becomes very original and sweet. Because the view rests only in the blooming on the edges of the plant. Exactly the same option with a hanging chargerUsed here. The only difference is that you do not need much effort or cost to make it - just take an old bottle or sew a small pocket, decorating which, you will get a great place to store a gadget that so zealously requires access to the outlet.

