Gone are the days when plants on the balcony werenecessity. Today, flowers are grown for beauty. Our article tells you everything you need to know about how to do it right. Almost everyone used to plant a garden on their loggia. Loggias were not glazed back then, and owners of “sunny” apartments needed to somehow escape the summer heat. Plants created a pleasant coolness and improved air quality. Today, when balconies are glazed during the construction of houses, planting such flower beds has become a pleasant bonus for many. We will tell you what flowers to plant on your balcony and how to care for them.Main rules 1.Plants should be fast-growing and unpretentious, otherwise they will not have time to adapt to urban conditions and grow during the summer. 2. Choose flowers with decorative leaves: this will best emphasize the beauty of the landscaping. 3. Feel free to plant climbing plants: they will cover up any unsightly spots on the balcony and improve its design.
What flowers to choose for the balcony Will they take rootfar from all plants. Flowers for the balcony, choose them carefully. Marigolds are very unpretentious, bloom from the beginning of summer until frost, accept various types of fertilizers well. In addition, they repel insects and aphids and are perfect for northern and eastern loggias. But on southern and western ones, their leaves will burn.
Calendula is a cold-resistant plant,which easily withstands frosts down to -5 degrees and which loves well-lit places and water. In hot weather it is watered 2-3 times a week. If there is not enough moisture, the flowers may not appear at all or become smaller (and those that have already bloomed need to be picked, then new ones will appear in their place).
Matthiola, or night violet, closes its leaves during the daytheir modest flowers. But in the evening they open up and begin to smell very brightly, richly. Matthiola easily tolerates rare watering. On the balcony, its seeds are tied well.
Sweet pea is a beautiful garden vine,which grows up to 2 m in height. It does not tolerate heat, it grows best in a moderate climate. Pea flowers have a soft and pleasant smell. The soil for this plant should be well-drained, as it does not tolerate dampness. Peas must be pinched after they release their first 4 leaves. And it blooms from the beginning of May until the end of August.
The tricolor birch is perfect fordecoration of balconies, gazebos and terraces. Loves the sun and light soil. Undemanding to care. It is best to plant it at the end of April, and it will bloom until late autumn.
Imopea is a whole group of flowers.You can plant Imopea pitata, blue, purple, ivy-leaved, and other varieties on the balcony. The seeds should be planted in the soil at the end of May. However, there is one rule: the earlier you plant this plant, the more resilient it will be. Imopea loves light and solar heat.
Begonia is a beautiful plant that is oftenused to decorate city squares, but it is also great for balconies. Begonia flowers are so diverse that in some cases it is difficult to see family ties between them. There are varieties with decorative leaves, large and small buds of various colors. Begonia Bauer, Begonia striped and Begonia Mason are especially beautiful and popular.
Fuchsia is a small evergreen shrub.Blooms profusely and for a long time: from mid-spring to late autumn. Some varieties bear fragrant berries in southern conditions. These plants are best placed in places with good lighting, but not with too much sun. The container for them should be large, with well-drained soil. To prevent the roots of the plant from overheating, it is worth using white pots.
Nasturtium is the real king of summer flowers.flowers. This plant looks equally good both in a flowerbed and on a balcony. The seeds are large and germinate quickly. Pots with nasturtiums can be placed in the lower tier, placing the pots on the floor, where direct sunlight is at most an hour a day.
Pansies are extraordinary.If you sow their seeds in February, then in May there will be a variety of pansies on the balcony. They are very unpretentious. The seeds of some varieties germinate better than others, but there are no failures with their cultivation.
Will definitely decorate your flower cornerRoyal or large-flowered pelargonium. Its beautiful two-colored buds will delight you with a subtle, delicate aroma, and its glossy leaves are very beautiful. Pelargonium blooms from early March to late November. It loves turf soil with foliage and sand. At the age of 3-4 years, its bushes become spreading.
Fragrant tobacco has large, fleshy leaves andstrong smell both day and night. Flowering begins 2 months after planting and continues until frost. It is even easier to grow fragrant tobacco in peat tablets.
Orientation of colors to the cardinal directions Northside is suitable for fragrant tobacco, primrose, tradescantia. If the balcony is located on the windy side, you need to choose strong and hardy types of plants, such as begonia. The southern direction is so favorable for most ornamental plants that almost any flowers will do: aster, ageratum, verbena, petunia, gladiolus, zinnia, imoepeya, passionflower, daisy and many others.
And of course, the choice of what flowers to plant on the balcony must be based on personal preferences and the atmosphere you want to create.
What flowers to plant on the balcony and how to grow