The apartments are 45-90 sq.m.

Apartment with floating bed above the floor, white walls, black toilet and bedroom behind the glass -


The risky decisions do not always helpcreating a cozy and beautiful interior. I would like to think that a rather unusual organization of the space of this, without a doubt, an outstanding project is dictated by the requirement of the customer

The fact that we see the interior of the apartment, but notprivate house, you can guess only on the urban landscape outside the windows. In other respects, the apartment completely corresponds to the dream of any inhabitant of the metropolis about its own bright nest somewhere in nature. Unless there is no nature here.

Finishing a light tree, on the one hand,visually expands the space, on the other - it warms it. Thanks to the tree, the white walls do not produce the impression of cold emptiness; on the contrary, they reflect the sunlight, which, incidentally, is abundant here.

The brightest detail of public areas is the laser perforation in the kitchen. A drawing or a vinyl sticker would not attract so much attention and certainly would not become the main decorative feature of the interior.

Work surfaces and appliances in the kitchen are hiddenbehind the wooden facades, and the drawing once again points to this decision. The bedroom zone resembles a cabin on a futuristic spacecraft, which quite distinguishes it from the rest of the interior.

Another unusuality is a bathroom, literallydissolved in the bedroom. The black wash-hand basin near the bed causes slight surprise, the bath behind the glass panels with the swivel mechanism is also quite spectacular, but the final point in the question is a black toilet bowl by the wall, of course, it also stands in the bedroom. Impressive interior.

