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Architect Alexandra Fyodorova: the best portfolio projects


How to glorify the radio station by design, is it possibleorganize apartments for ponies and how modern villas should look from the architect's point of view with perfect taste - all of these questions are answered by our guest, Alexandra Fyodorova Segonya is a young architect with a unique experience in designing and building cottage settlements in mountainous areas. However, Alexander Fedorov became famous not by this.

the main thing

  • style - modern,
  • price list - medium in Moscow,
  • uniqueness is the result.

Alexandra Fedorova, architect Born in Moscow.From 2000 to 2004 she worked in the UB design workshop as a leading architect. In 2001-2004, he was the architect of the State Unitary Enterprise M&P "Mosproekt 4". Since 2004, he has been managing an architectural bureau that designs residential and public buildings. He works in the field of residential and public interior design, has extensive experience in the design of villas on the sea.

Next office glass office

In 2006, Alexandra Fedorova performeda bold, very successful and promising idea of ​​a "glass studio", completely open to the audience, or rather, the audience. From now on, every visitor to the Novinsky passage can see the ethereal "cuisine" in all its diversity. The author turned the half of the studio into a podium, raising it by 25 centimeters. And as a sound reflector and a workplace for the DJ and leading architects, she designed a closed low partition made of artificial stone - Corian. This facility has been awarded numerous prizes and awards for its unusual architecture and unique design.

Work style and team

There are six people in our office: Alexandra Fedorova, Sergey Kalyuta, Polina Fedorova, Irina Gubskaya, Julia Vasina and Anna Dubovitskaya. The basic principle of the work of our architectural bureau is to create architecture and interiors "out of time", that is, modern and relevant at any time - in 10, 20, 30 years. Not obsolete, and therefore forever valuable. Unlike most design studios, in all our works we apply an architectural approach, be it a building, interior or an object in the interior. We create a human habitat in the form of a volume-spatial composition, into which, as necessary, you can add accessories. The essence of space will not change. We always use an individual approach to everyone. And in the end it turns out exactly what you want and the customer and us. If you are close to our philosophy and aesthetics - we will be happy to work with you.

Alexandra Fedorova, architect


- - Alexandra, in what style do you most of alldo you like to work? - - I prefer modern style. - - Which of the implemented projects would you like to highlight? - - There are three of them: a radio station behind a glass, a village of 20 modern villas on the sea and private houses that we are building at the moment. - - What is the geography of your services? - - Basically - Russia and Europe, but soon we will get across the ocean, I hope. - - Alexandra, what is the most difficult task you have ever faced? - - The most difficult task we have in every second project is when the wife wants one thing, and the husband wants another, and we need to make sure that all three of us feel good. - - Remember, please, an unusual case from your practice. - - The most unusual case is when a girl, when designing a house, asked to make a separate apartment for her pony ... - - Tell us about your experience in designing houses on difficult terrain. How it all began? - - In general, designing houses on difficult terrain, especially on the sea, where, as a rule, seismicity ranges from 7-9 points, is considered a difficult task for an architect. But I was just very lucky in life. I have always dreamed of designing luxurious villas with sea views that we see in magazines and books. And now the very first project of this kind again turned out, as they say, in our style - right off the bat. We got the project of a village in the Crimea, on the most difficult terrain, on the territory of the reserve, among centuries-old cedars and pines, and not a single tree should have suffered. It was necessary to fit 20 different modern villas into this complex relief. We can say that it was a baptism of fire, after this project I was already not afraid of anything. By the way, the village was built and the houses are all like a picture, it's a pity that they weren't allowed to see everything in the end. But enough years have passed since then, and we have many more wonderful projects of houses on the sea and in the Moscow region. I hope that in the near future several of them will be completed at once and we will be able to please the printed editions with beautiful photographs.

