Don't let your rose take center stageplanet, like the Little Prince, but it can easily take the leading place in the garden. We are sure that proper care and attention will help make your roses a little less ephemeral. Enjoying the proud queen of flowers - the rose - is not so difficult even in a harsh climate, especially if you follow the subtleties of care. Preparing the site In addition to their beauty, roses are attractive because they grow in one place. Since this plant is quite light-loving, it would be appropriate to allocate a site facing the south and protected from the northern winds for planting roses. As for the substrate, light, breathable, sandy-clay soil is ideal. Do not forget that too damp, heavy or acidic soils are destructive for roses. However, heavy soil on the site is not a death sentence, because it can always be improved by adding humus, peat, sand or compost, and acidity can be adjusted by adding slaked lime or chalk. To maintain the looseness of the soil in the spring, it should be regularly loosened to a depth of 5-10 cm. In the summer, roses like coolness, and therefore it is better to mulch the soil between plantings to avoid overheating.Landing Landing time firstdepends on the type of soil. If you are the "lucky" owner of heavy and damp soil, these problems will only get worse. In this case, it is better to plant roses in the fall, but if they do not have time to take root, they may freeze in the winter. Planting density plays an important role. Climbing roses are planted at a distance of 1.2 m to 2 m, park roses - 100-110 cm, floribundas and hybrid tea roses - 60-80 cm, and miniature roses - 30-35 cm from each other.
Pruning and shaping bushes Pruninghelps to avoid self-shading of the bush, increases air access, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the plant. Pruning should be done at an angle of 45 °, 5-6 mm above the developed bud, and it is better to immediately cover the cut with pitch. It may also happen that 2-3 shoots grow from one bud after pruning, which means that your rose is a real strongman. In this case, no matter how sorry you are for the shoots, it is better to remove them all except one. If you want to have a well-formed rose bush, it is better to take care of this early - the first summer after planting is ideal. Small and bending shoots should be cut off, and large ones - pinched. Starting in July, formative pruning can be stopped and only maintenance pruning can be done occasionally to encourage the rose to bloom. Faded flowers are best cut as low as possible, then new shoots will not be elongated.
Mulching As we have already mentioned, rosesThey love light soil, but in order not to bother yourself with constant loosening, you can sprinkle the bud on top with mulch. The latter can be of peat or compost origin.
Fertilizer Roses respond gratefully toadding nutrients. It is worth focusing on fertilizing in the second year after planting, and in the first year you can limit yourself to 2-3 summer fertilizing. Autumn mulch in the spring will also nourish the roses, but at your discretion you can add nitrogen fertilizers.
Watering During the period of active growth, roses needa lot of water, and water them based on the consumption of 15-20 liters of water per bush twice a week. Surface watering, including rain, will not bring the desired soil moisture, and cold water can lead to the development of diseases. Roses should not be watered in the heat, and it is also not recommended to get water on the leaves. In dry autumn, it is better to reduce watering to once a week with 10-12 liters of water per bush, and in rainy autumn it is not required at all.
Wintering Delicate roses can suffer in winterwithout. Before covering, the shoots need to be cut, leaving no more than half a meter from the ground. Roses can be covered with both natural materials - peat, compost, humus mixed with sawdust, and artificial ones. In the latter case, it is advisable to build a wooden frame around the roses, on which synthetic insulation can be attached. It is important that it remains dry - otherwise, the frozen ice will not let air through, and the roses can suffocate. To keep the covering material dry, a layer of polyethylene can be attached on top, but it is necessary to provide an air gap between the insulation and the polyethylene. Climbing roses can be covered with woven insulation without removing the plants from the support.
Roses are susceptible to diseases and pestsfungal diseases and pests. To prevent fungal infections in the spring, plants are treated with copper sulfate. Rose pests can be terrorized by rose aphids, spider mites, leaf rollers, and click beetles. The drug "Iskra" can serve as a universal insecticide, which must be used at the first symptoms of plant damage.
How to care for roses -