Italy is famous for its nature, architecture,cuisine and a warm welcome. And you can find all this at the same time if you go to the commune of Vacone, which is located just north of Rome. This is where the amazing restaurant Solo Per Due is hidden. Every resident of Rome has heard about this restaurant, and tourists dream of having dinner here. Tables are booked several months in advance, and if we are talking about Valentine's Day, then it is better to make plans almost a year in advance. What is the secret of such popularity? In the very name of the restaurant Solo Per Due, which means "for two only". Only two people can visit the restaurant at a time, and therefore it has become popular among lovers and married couples. Moreover, the establishment can serve only four people a day - two for lunch and two for dinner. This is the main reason for the fame of Solo Per Due, but of course, this is not the only reason. Related articlesSolo Per Due is truly the perfect place,to soak up the spirit of Italy and spend an unforgettable romantic evening. Let's start with the setting in which the meal takes place. The restaurant is located in a historical place - in an old villa of the 19th century, not far from the ancient ruins where the ancient Roman poet Horace lived. Before getting inside, guests pass through a garden immersed in greenery. And then they find themselves in a small but cozy room with a fireplace, flowers, romantic decor and subdued lighting to set the right mood.
The event that led to it is discussed in advancevisitors to Solo Per Due - a date, anniversary, birthday or something else - the features of the menu and decor. You can order a bouquet of flowers, live music, fireworks and transfer in a premium car. But what is worthy of a separate conversation is the dinner itself. Since the restaurant is located on a farm, the owners decided to serve guests dishes only from local products. This is meat, cheeses, fruits, pastries, pasta, mushrooms collected nearby, and even olive oil of their own production, which is called Oleum. It is impossible not to mention one of the chef's signature dishes - tiramisu with white chocolate decoration. And, of course, there is an excellent selection of wines.
Of course, there is a price for such pleasureis not one hundred euros per person: from 250 euros, not counting wine and additional services. But it is really worth it: in addition to the extraordinary atmosphere and stunning views of the valley, you will find pleasant little things and service features. For example, before dinner, you will be personally met by the owner of the restaurant - Remo Di Claudio, who opened Solo Per Due back in 1988, succumbing to emotions and a thirst for adventure. During dinner, you will not have to endure the intrusive presence of a waiter, which is often the case with other restaurants - he will appear only when necessary. And at the end of the visit, you will be offered to leave your review in the so-called "book of thoughts", where visitors year after year tell their love stories. Related articles
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