Design and Decor

To be or not to be: the pros and cons of a white apartment -


Freshness or hospital sterility?Complete impracticality or versatility? White attracts someone with its showiness, someone gets bored. Together with professionals, we decided to figure out whether it should be the basis of the interior or not. White color seems so natural, universal and generally harmless that it is difficult to imagine how so many contradictions can exist around it. And there are really a lot of them when it comes to: starting with increased cleanliness, which is definitely required, and ending with disputes on the topic of "cozy" or "sterile". But if keeping a white apartment clean is as hard as they say, then why do practical Scandinavians love it so much? Our editors finally decided to figure out whether white interiors have a right to life, what they are good for, and, conversely, what pitfalls should be expected. We weighed all the pros and cons of this color, and also learned the opinion of designers on this issue. Would you like to live in a white apartment? Julia Alekseeva, designer:- In recent years, the dominant beige color of the interior has been replaced by white. In the last 5-7 years, we have seen the emergence of unique innovative technologies in the field of finishing materials, which also affects the expansion of the range of textures, patterns and palette of interior items. At the same time, there was a certain shortage of living space, therefore, the visual expansion of space in combination with bright accent pieces of furniture and accessories has become a priority in modern design. White expands the space and fills it with air and light. The spirit of optimism reigns in such apartments; it is easy to wake up in a good mood in the morning. In the modern rhythm of Moscow business life, in conditions of heightened intellectual and emotional stress and a high level of stress, white interiors are becoming more and more in demand. Interior of Julia Alekseeva Interior of Yulia Alekseeva Advantages of white interiorsThe first and probably the most obvious advantage of white is its versatility. It is not for nothing that the walls in museums are most often painted in this color: white is the perfect background. It gives complete freedom for creativity - you can select furniture and decor in any color, and also change them whenever you want, without worrying about how they will be combined, for example, with the walls. Not everyone uses the services of a professionaldesigners, and therefore errors, including color, when repairing are almost inevitable. The interior on the basis of white color amateur to draw up much easier than competently "to collect" color and not to be mistaken in combinations. Another very useful property of white -the ability to visually increase space, fill it with air and give a sense of spaciousness. That is why in all modest European apartments, white is found in such numbers, especially in decoration. White color is durable. Unlike other flowers, it does not burn out in the sun and does not fade. Moreover, it reflects sunlight, so that the room seems lighter. This effect is especially relevant in our regions, where the sun - and not only in autumn or winter - does not often look out. If you like furniture and decor items unusualshape and want to emphasize them, white color is the best assistant in it. It makes the interior more graphical and like no other color emphasizes the shadows, the volume and texture of objects, without attracting attention. Неважно, любите ли вы скандинавский минимализм, classics or, white color will be appropriate in any interior. There is no such style, where it would not come to the court, and over time, white does not lose its relevance. Oleg Orlov, designer:- There is an opinion that gray will save the world, but if some color is destined to do it, then it is white. White is the starting point for any design and interior design in particular. Due to its unique nature, it has equally unique abilities. White is common in all styles and is used for a variety of purposes: it visually enlarges the space, emphasizes the shape of complex objects and contrasting silhouettes, brings out the complexity of other colors and acts as a connecting element. Disadvantages of white interiors Probably the most important argument against decorating an apartment in white is its impracticality. Indeed, hardly anyone would call the white color non-marking: most of the dirt on it is visible more strongly than on a dark background, and if there are children and animals in the apartment, then you might think that things are really bad. On the one hand, the argument is fair, on the other - today it is no longer as relevant as it would have been 5-10 years ago. Washable surfaces, modern cleaning products and the usual tricks of life make a white apartment no more difficult than any other. "Too sterile," "just like in a hospital"such reviews can often be heard about the white interiors from his opponents. Such sensations arise when the white is very much and its cool colors are used at the same time. To correct the situation it is possible with the help of warmer tones (pudrovye, ivory, etc.), and the interior will be made cozy with well-chosen textures, textiles and appropriate decor. To someone white can seem basically boring. If the room uses only one shade and there are no interesting at least at the expense of its shape details, the interior really becomes faceless - like a white sheet of paper. However, making it more diverse is not difficult: you can use several different shades, combine them with other colors, choose furniture with an interesting texture and, of course, do not forget about the decor. Dangerous and the other extreme - overdo it. Abundance of white color, especially if it is a bright, snow-white shade, can cause a feeling of stuffiness. Some also believe that the eyes get tired of the large amount of white in the interior. To solve this problem it is possible by means of a so-called false white color which turns out, if to dilute pure white gray, beige, blue or pink. With this combination, a very soft and neutral shade of white is obtained, which does not "put pressure" on the eyes and is ideal for finishing the room. Oleg Orlov, designer:- There are many prejudices against white, but most often it is associated with cleanliness, order and completeness. There are also negative characteristics: boredom, hopelessness, and others. As for the use of white in the interior, the impracticality can be distinguished from the negative points. This color is not easy to maintain, and any irregularities painted in white will be obvious. But you shouldn't let such a banal thing as cleaning get in your way. White is romantic and full of poetry, you need to cherish it, but not be afraid of it. To be or not to be To summarize, first of all I would like to recall the well-known saying - “there are no comrades for taste and color”. Someone loves calm light interiors, someone likes cozy dark colors, and someone is delighted with colorful eclecticism. Interestingly, however, there is room for white details in any color scheme. Do completely white interiors have a right to life? Undoubtedly. All minuses, which are significant at first glance, have their own solutions and easily turn into pluses. If you like white, but are afraid to make it dominant in the interior, start small: paint one wall in this color, buy a white sofa or a set of bedding. And finally, we suggest looking at some examples of white interiors created by Russian designers. Anna Schepanovich's interior Interior of ROOMDESIGN office Interior of Anton Cherenko The interior of Andrei Polienko Interior of Christina Petraitis Interior of Anton Grishin Interior of the office SL project

