What to do if there is one room- a living room of 17 square meters, in which there should also be room for a bedroom? This is a fairly decent room in terms of dimensions, but when it is the only one in the house, it is a completely different matter. How to properly arrange the interior of the living room in such a situation? When developing your own living room design, the main thing to remember is to leave the space as spacious as possible and avoid excessive darkening.You can separate the bedroom from the living room with the help ofpartitions, which can be made of plasterboard, wood or other materials. If it is not possible to combine the living room with other parts of the apartment, but it is necessary to obtain two full-fledged rooms in the form of a bedroom and a common room, then the zoning method comes to the rescue.
General recommendations
For a small living room, it is better to choose either a two-seater sofa or several armchairs with poufs.
These are general rules for designing a living room-bedroom. However, they can be supplemented with specific recommendations. Return to contents</a>
Specific solutions for general rules
You can separate the bedroom and living room with the help ofcurtains that can be pulled apart if necessary. Solution #1. Partitions between the bedroom and the common room can be represented by pieces of furniture, screens, shelves, consoles and curtains. The partition can be of any type. However, here, too, the general rules are observed: the object should not be bright and bulky. When zoning the furnishings, unity in color should be maintained. It is also not recommended to break up the space with small objects. Curtains are an original zoning option. Their fabric can be any (from thick to light and weightless). It is chosen to match the curtains hanging on the window. Bamboo, shells, threads, beads can be used as curtain material. The curtain material is selected based on the design of the room and personal preferences. Solution #2. The bedroom area is located, if possible, further from the entrance (advice is more appropriate for oblong rooms) and closer to the window (especially if it is the only one in the room). Natural light is preferable for the bedroom area. Solution #3. A sofa bed is purchased that folds out and a screen (or two) is selected to match its dimensions. This method involves a careful selection of the object for sleeping: its mattress should be dense, its unfolding should be convenient, and its fastening should be strong. Solution #4. An excellent zoning technique is to use other methods instead of partitions. For example, a podium bed arrangement. For greater comfort, it is surrounded by a canopy. The latter visually separates the bed from the common space.
You can separate the bedroom from the living room with the help ofwallpaper, different in color and texture and different flooring. You can place shelves on the back of the bed or place a TV. But with any improvements, the convenience of approaching the sleeping place should not be violated. Since the bedroom is a private area, by and large, except for the bed and bedside table, nothing else should be located in it. But the common room is called common because it is where society gathers - household members and invited guests. In addition to a soft corner, it is advisable to place a small coffee table in it. If it is also made of glass, this will contribute to the visual increase of the surrounding space. Solution No. 5. When it is necessary to divide one room into two different ones by purpose, drywall is an ideal assistant. With its help, various architectural structures are created, including all kinds of partitions, arches, niches. This material provides maximum results with minimal investment of time and money. Drywall provides ample opportunities for finishing walls and ceilings. Return to Contents</a>
Stylish design of the living room-bedroom
There are a lot of options for stylistic design. The following would be suitable here:
- laconic minimalism;
- cozy design in Japanese style;
- technological high-tech.
Each of the noted stylistic directions is goodthat involves the use of compact pieces of furniture. Due to this, it is possible to preserve some freedom in the space of a universal room. Combinations of styles are also in great demand, which only adds coziness to the room. The owners have the right to change the design of their only room as often as they please. And when a 17 sq. m. living room needs to be divided into several self-sufficient zones, use the above tips to re-arrange the interior as comfortably as possible. It is not so important what design will be created in the room, the convenience of being in it is much more important. And the lack of space can always be compensated for by a well-planned environment. If you adhere to the zoning rules, you can create a successful bedroom design in the living room. Moreover, each zone can have its own atmosphere.</ ul>