We continue to provide our readersAnti-crisis tips for budget decor. Today's master class will teach you how to make a stylish pendant lamp from an old sweater. Do you dream of a stylish pendant lamp, but the prices in stores are too high? And the New Year holidays have probably hit your budget. So, it's time for non-standard solutions! Almost every closet has an old, battered sweater that you are ashamed to wear and a pity to throw away. Its finest hour has come! You are probably perplexed: how exactly can this unsightly piece of clothing help you become the happy owner of a new lamp? We'll tell you now. In addition to the sweater, you will need:
- sharp scissors,
- round wooden hoop - in our example 22 cm (2 pieces) and 15 cm in diameter,
- cord-suspension for the lamp,
- adhesive for fabric,
- plastic cup, you can use the packaging from under the instant noodles, as in our example,
- a set of office binders.
As for the sweater, if possiblechoose, it is better to use a model with wide sleeves and a bright geometric print. Berries, flowers or deer will look less impressive. If the sweater is fuzzy, it is recommended to first shave it with a razor to remove the pellets. Let's get to work. Turn the sweater inside out. Cut off one of the sleeves. You should cut as close to the stitching as possible. Put the sweater aside, and turn the cut sleeve inside out again, right side out.
Insert a larger diameter ring into a wide onesleeve opening (shoulder). Note that you should use only the inner rings of the wooden hoop. Push it closer to the middle of the sleeve. Then insert another large ring and push it inside the sleeve (not far).
Now insert the smaller ring into the sleevediameter. It needs to be pushed through the two existing rings and positioned above them. If the rings do not stay inside the sleeve or, conversely, the fabric looks too taut, you need to either select a hoop of a different diameter or use a sleeve from a different sweater (of a different width).
Cut off the excess fabric at the bottom, leaving only two centimeters for the fold. Apply glue to the inside of the bottom ring and press the fabric to it. Secure with clamps and leave to dry.
While the glue is drying, make a holder forhanging. Using a sharp knife or scissors, cut off the bottom of a plastic cup. Then make a hole in it for the cord (in the middle). Insert the hanging cord into the hole.
Apply glue to the outer edges of the holder and insert it into the sleeve (from the cuff side). Wait until the glue dries.
Choose the right light bulb for your newlamp, or better yet, several. Then you can change the mood of the lighting depending on the situation. Hang the lamp, turn it on and enjoy the fruits of your creativity. And with the money not spent on buying the lamp, you can buy yourself a gift, for example, a new sweater!