
Good night, sweet dreams!


A person takes about a third of his entire sleep to And you need to spend this third in such a way as to feel rested, happy, full of energy, vigor and creative ideas. A comfortable bed is the basis for a good sleep. But what surrounds her is no less important. This is the interior of the bedroom in general, and many small but important details in particular. So, let's start with the style of the room where you spend 6-8 hours of your time every day. The general recommendation is to choose a reasonable “golden mean” between fashion trends and calm, soft interiors. You can please the eye with a bright element in the design of the bedroom and muffle its flashy brightness with the diffused light of a floor lamp or wall sconce. You can stick on fanciful wallpapers and neutralize the disturbing impression they make with the calm tones of all the objects in the bedroom.

Soft colors - stronger sleep

When choosing a design for your future bedroom, rememberrule: this room is intended for rest, relaxation, getting rid of negativity, relieving tension and stress. Don't exacerbate bad moods or sadness with acidic pillows, improper bed geometry, or ceiling spotlights. Psychologists suggest that a sharp change in the usual color scheme in the bedroom can cause at least anxiety, and even a stressful reaction. For example, if you are used to seeing bright green bedspreads and pillows in your bedroom, replacing them with yellow or blue ones can make you sleepy. However, it is better to initially adhere to calm undertones that will not prevent you from relaxing and basking, plunging into pleasant thoughts and dreams. In the bedroom, wooden floors, natural soft carpets, light walls and discreet accessories look great. It is not recommended to do stucco molding in this room, unless, of course, the size of the bedroom is comparable to the chambers of the royal palaces.

Dreamy dreams

Another trendy bedroom design trend,which works to improve sleep and relax the nervous system is wall painting. For kids, the ideal option would be a drawing with characters from fairy tales, for adults it can be sea motives, forest glades, flower ornaments. However, for aesthetes, nothing is impossible: even a portrait of a beloved girl or an image of the whole family against the background of mountain peaks or water surface may appear on the wall. If you do not want or cannot use the services of an artist, buy a photo wallpaper, picking up a drawing that will delight you no less than a wall painting. You can complement this visual minimalism with various interior items made of rattan, bamboo or straw.

Where to put the bed?

The location, shape and finish of the bed are alsoimportant for restful sleep. Many designers claim that there is no better option than a wide bed on a low podium. This idea can be realized in the bedroom, the dimensions of which exceed the standard minimum of the receding, but still existing Khrushchevs. Having determined the place of the future bed, decide which style of bed is preferable for you: dark woods (walnut, wenge, teak, zebrano) that are relevant in recent seasons or minimalism - a bed made of inexpensive materials, in a strict form. In the first case, it is logical to decorate the interior in light colors, using linen fabrics and wicker rugs. In the second, you can even do without curtains, limiting yourself to a simple bedspread, the pattern or color of which will be the brightest spot in your ascetic bedroom. You also need to pay attention to the head of the bed,which, according to the philosophy of feng shui, symbolizes the protection of a sleeping person from external adverse factors. This role is played by the headboard. The higher it is, the deeper the sleep and the stronger the positive energy at home - this is the opinion of the adherents of this philosophy. You can trim the back with a simple wooden canvas, fabric upholstery, leather, artificial materials or even metal elements. If your bedroom has a pleasant, relaxing atmosphere, and your sleep is strong and refreshes you, then you have designed your interior correctly.

