
Color of the night: 20 black living rooms


Doubt that black walls can be goodLook in the interior? Our selection demonstrates at least 20 reasons to repaint your living room black today. Well, or at least consider this option for the next repair

Black color is traditionally considered not the mostAn acceptable option for interior decoration. However, in recent years, black is increasingly used as the main background for a variety of spaces. In particular, this trend can be traced to the example of the living rooms of modern European houses and apartments.

Of course, black on the walls does not always look likeIs advantageous. Before deciding on the future of your living room, make sure that it has enough natural light sources. In other words, the windows are present, and the light from them is enough to not even on a clear day to see the smallest details of the interior.

In itself, a dark room, a room painted in addition to black, instantly turns into a crypt, and no even the most ingenious work of a designer in the light of the situation, most likely, will not save.

As for the interior itself, we wouldRecommended to thoroughly think over his concept, before proceeding with the selection of furniture. If the image of the boudoir is formed in your mind, then the movement toward objects of saturated shades will be fully justified. In most other cases, you most likely want to play in contrast and choose light soft furniture and a few bright accessories. Black in itself - an excellent background for a variety of painting and art works. By the way, to reduce the degree of blackness, you can easily turn your living room into a gallery.

