It is difficult to install a fireplace in a city apartment,That is why designers have invented a decorative replacement for it: a false fireplace. Read our article about how to use and decorate a fireplace portal in the interior. It is human nature to find a way out of hopeless situations. This phrase is also applicable to modern designers. Can't install a fireplace in your apartment? No problem, because you can create an imitation of it! This is what the person who first came up with the idea of using a decorative fireplace portal in the interior thought, or something like that. Today, false fireplaces are very popular in design, as they not only have a wide decorative potential, but also evoke pleasant warm associations in the inhabitants of the house, making the atmosphere more comfortable. However, a reasonable question arises: a portal is a portal, but what can replace the fire that is missing in it? We will talk about the most effective ways to decorate a false fireplace today. 1. Candles If a wedge is driven out by a wedge, then the fire should be replaced by another fire, but only a safer and more appropriate one in a city apartment. We are talking about candles. Place them inside the fireplace mantel, and your fake fireplace will look more like a real one. Such decor is perfect for both everyday interiors and for creating a romantic or festive atmosphere. And if you combine candles with the interior decoration of the mantel with mirrors, the effect will be multiplied.
2.Firewood A logical and at the same time safe alternative for decorating a fireplace portal is firewood. Well, firstly, wood always makes the interior warmer and cozier, and secondly, firewood is directly involved in kindling the fire. If you put a few logs inside the portal, they will hint that your fireplace is the most ordinary, real and will soon flare up, thereby enhancing warm associations. You can complete the illusion of a real burning fireplace by wrapping the firewood with a glowing New Year's garland. By the way, an excellent solution for the holiday season.
3.Chalkboard Effect Surface If you can't light a fire, you can always draw one. Decorating the inside of the portal with a film, panel or paint with a chalkboard effect allows you, by analogy with the tale of Buratino, to become the owner of a painted fireplace. Our opinion: - In fact, a chalkboard effect surface gives us wide opportunities for creativity, and they are not limited to just the image of fire. So, if you want, you can draw whatever you want inside the portal. Another advantage of this type of decoration: the paintings can be updated periodically.
4.Books The filling of the fireplace portal does not necessarily have to be associated with flame. In the end, this entire decorative project is a pure experiment. Therefore, it is worth considering an alternative design option, for example, books. An improvised mini-library in the fireplace will relieve the walls in the room from the burden of unnecessary shelves and will look very original.
5.Original compositions In fact, a false fireplace is an ideal place for the most unimaginable installations. Inside the fireplace portal, even absolutely different in style and purpose things begin to interact with each other in an amazing way, merging into a single original composition. Paintings, figurines, deer antlers, bird cages or old suitcases - all these items can serve to decorate your false fireplace. Our opinion: - A false fireplace really has the ability to change the visual perception of things. In the solid frame of the fireplace portal, items that looked too bulky on a nightstand or coffee table seem more elegant, and flashy and meaningless at first glance accessories suddenly moderate their decorative ardor and turn into a stylish highlight of the interior.
6.Holiday decor The role of a decorative fireplace mantel in holiday decor is hard to overestimate. Thanks to Hollywood movies, it has become one of the most recognizable symbols of the New Year and Christmas holidays. So if you have a false fireplace at home, don't be lazy to use it: toys, garlands, pine needles and huge socks... Well, you know everything yourself! Here are some examples for inspiration.
Decorative fireplace: beautiful examples of design of portals