If you have wonderful dreams in your bedroom and open theeyes, you find yourself in a reality that does not please - look at our material. These interiors are a dream come true, which will definitely inspire you to change for the better in your life and at home. These designer bedrooms are simply mesmerizingly luxurious. At the same time, the interesting ideas embodied in these interiors are completely free, and your imagination is priceless. Look, dream and bring to life. A round bed is an unexpected and extravagant idea. This room with such a luxurious view simply does not need other decorations. Pay attention to the lamp - it is simply a very fashionable detail. The advantages of a round bed are the absence of sharp corners, originality and comfort. Disadvantages - it is difficult to choose bed linen.It's much easier in such a light bedroomwake up full of energy with the first rays of the sun. The pearl shade of gray goes well with white, creating a feeling of lightness and joy. And there is also a lot of casual soft textiles with a loose texture in the room - it is clear that it is not at all necessary to maintain perfect order and smooth out every fold here to feel cozy.
The dark wood used to finish the floor flows smoothly"flows" into the headboard. So the bed ends up inside a comfortable cocoon. The white color of the walls is an excellent background for light green details, reminiscent of spring foliage.
Mixing geometric patterns on the walls withplant motifs on bed linen, it is easy to create a meaningless jumble. The secret to the success of this interior is the limited number of colors used. A warm shade of gray in combination with white gently maintains the harmony of patterns with approximately the same frequency of repetition of elements.
Red might not be the most appropriate color for a bedroom.the best idea - it has too much of an effect on a person and prevents them from relaxing. But here it is just enough to give the brain a delicate signal upon awakening - wake up! The shapes of the lamps echo the lines of the chair, another bright detail. And the bed looks incredibly soft and inviting.
The bookshelf effectively separates the relaxation areafrom the working one. And the details reveal the owner of the bedroom as a lover of oriental culture. When planning the design of the room where you will relax your soul and body, remember what you like, in what places you feel best. Focus not on fashion, but on those styles that evoke a spiritual response in you.
Just imagine waking up and falling asleep inbedroom with a window opening directly into the forest at the level of the tree crowns! A real fairy tale. From a more practical point of view, the problems of arranging an attic with a sloping wall in this interior are turned into advantages thanks to the window opening of a complex shape. It is not easy to choose curtains without which excess light will interfere with a good rest, but with ours you will cope with this task perfectly.
The canopy in this bright bedroom is reminiscent ofSail. A progressive take on a classic design detail that recreates the feeling of security and comfort of sleeping in a crib using modern methods. Note the vertical light and behind the headboard.
Extra partitions in this attic would makethe room is cramped and overloaded. The sleeping area is distinguished by other means: the bed stands on a raised platform, and the wall behind the headboard is designed in such a way that it repeats the lines of the roof slope, visually dividing the room in half. Interesting techniques: built-in lamps and open shelves for small items at different heights.
There's nothing fancy about this ultra-modern bedroom.excess. The yellow bedspread looks great against the grey background – this neutral colour absorbs the excessive intrusiveness of more active tones. The pattern on the bedspread repeats the wallpaper pattern and the diamonds on the lampshade. The shiny gloss of the smooth marble floor is set off by areas with real natural pebbles.
Soft textures have been proven to be simpleare essential in the bedroom. In the morning, you want the soft touch of a fluffy carpet under your feet, not a smooth, cold surface. A full-length mirrored wardrobe opens up the limited space, and don't miss the charming bottle lamps in the upper left corner, which simply .
A room that is too spacious is sometimes a problem,and not less than too small. This magnificent loft with an exposed brick wall makes the sleeping area visually separated with a wooden headboard and symmetrical lamps more residential and comfortable. The rest of the space is not wasted either, there is even room for storing a bicycle in a very unusual way - by the window and vertically.
This interior makes great use ofnoble colors of copper and silver. Warm and cool tones are mixed with skill. A cooler gray serves as a background, but does not get lost against the luxurious rust-red accents of the velvet bedspread and upholstered furniture.
Every detail in this bedroom is thought out andis in its place. The parallel lines of the pendant lamps echo the lamp, in which the straight lines converge at one point and diverge again. The right angle of the yellow lines on the wall mirrors the rounded border of the rug on the floor. Pure geometric perfection with cheerful yellow accents.
The elegance of the clean, classic lines of thisbedroom means that disorder will not suit it and each thing should know its place. But the result is worth it - the combination of white and black will make the room design an eternal classic that never goes out of fashion. Warm wood tones in furniture and flooring will add coziness.
Victorian inspired bedroom -for lovers of the classical beauty of palaces. An unexpected but effective solution - a greenish-blue color of the bed and armchair instead of the more usual beige or light brown. Luxurious lamps leave no room for doubt: this is a room for real aristocrats.
Industrial wires tangledlamps above the bed, suitcases as a night table. A bright yellow chest of drawers, a round knitted ottoman, a rug with a geometric pattern. Moreover: a globe, an abacus and a Darth Vader helmet as decorative elements - the owner of this bedroom is definitely a creative person with a not too serious attitude to life, eclectic taste and a completely responsible attitude to the design of the room, reflecting his interests.
The fantastically beautiful bedroom is located ina rounded room at the top of a skyscraper. No unnecessary details are needed here: the interior is made up of bold, smooth lines, huge windows and light filling every corner. Oh, and a bonus for book lovers — a library under the ceiling.
The design of the wall behind the headboard is reminiscent ofa pattern of cracks in broken glass or a tree branch. The smooth transition of lines to the ceiling closes the sleeping space, making it more self-sufficient. The designer chose neutral, soothing colors associated with the warmth and softness of sand heated by the sun.
This bedroom is finished with an unusual material -concrete with a rough texture reminiscent of frost. The warm tones of the wood of the nightstand and door, the golden shade of the fur of the pillow and the textile of the carpet combine with the gray color of the walls, like the rays of the sun with the tone of a stormy sky. The asymmetry in the painting decorating the wall behind the bed intrigues and fascinates.
We could call this design lightbedrooms are an example of luxurious classics, but the wall at the head of the bed is a clear reference to the dream of a tropical jungle. At the same time, it is decorated not in the flashy colors typical for the theme, but in shades of gray. Take the idea of symmetrical details - thanks to them, the whole room gives the impression of a calm place where nothing bad can happen.
This is not just a room, but a whole palace,where there was room not only for a wardrobe, but also for a real tree and a vertical gardening area. Perhaps, under its lush crown, the owner of the bedroom meditates before going to sleep and reflects on life. If you can only dream of such grandiose decisions, pay attention to a more practical design move - the combination of a glossy wall and a soft carpet in warm brown shades inspires a sense of comfort, while remaining interesting.
The crystal chandeliers in this room speak volumesabout its owner's love of luxury as clearly as the images above the bed - about his romantic nature. We like the idea of a black square with lighting at the headboard as a background for a photo. And the slight asymmetry in the placement of the details attracts attention.
Despite the absence of walls between them, the zoneThe sleeping area and the place where the owner can read and drink coffee look like two different rooms. The bedroom is filled with soft warm light and neutral colors. Cooler lighting and bright spots of red textiles on the chairs against a dark background provide enough energy for active work so close to the inviting bed.
Gray is a good choice for a light room.But on dull, cloudy days it would be gloomy here if it weren't for the bright details of warm tones - a wooden table, a metal vase. And, of course, a piercing orange painting will replace the sunlight even in the twilight.
home-designing.com, homedit.com
Bedroom decor: 25 examples of better interior design