Today, together with designer Zhenya Zhdanova, weWe will tell you about the most interesting places in New York, where you should go for design ideas. When going to High Point Furniture Market in North Carolina, Zhenya Zhdanova planned to spend a few days in New York. She wanted to have time to visit the places that every self-respecting decorator must visit. - This was my first trip to New York and North America, so I have so many impressions that it would probably be enough for a small book. When you are extremely limited in time, it is very important to concentrate and think about how to see the most important things and try to get the most pleasure from it, and not turn into a hunted tourist. This advice is primarily for designers and decorators, and also for anyone who has only three days in New York. I will be happy to share my route and recipe for immersion in this unusual city for any European. Day one 1. Metropolitan museum I won't tell you what treasures the main museum of New York keeps, it's easy to find out in the guidebook, as well as on the official website of the Metropolitan museum. I will say that for myself I found a very convenient way to get acquainted with the museum's collections for the first time.
In the first half of the day the museum holds group sessionstours of the most valuable and famous exhibits of their collections. And it is very convenient, you do not need to figure out the map yourself and look for where and what is hidden. You just need to follow the art historian, listen and look around and at the same time mark for yourself the halls where you will want to return after the lecture to examine everything more closely. The tour schedule can be obtained at the information desk - the tour lasts one hour and is conducted in English.
While looking through the collections, I found out that there are moreAnother tour that is no less interesting for decorators is the one on European interiors and decorative and applied arts of the 16th-19th centuries. It is held every day except weekends at 13:15 and also lasts one hour.
You will be guided through the restored interiorsLouis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI and will display a stunning collection of porcelain and furniture with intricate decoration. There are also unique pieces of furniture from Holland, and several beautiful rooms with English luxury interiors.
2.Walking around Central Park Having seen Manhattan with your own eyes, you immediately understand why the most expensive neighborhoods are located right next to Central Park and why this place is so loved and appreciated by locals. Only here can the eye rest from the cold urban landscapes, and a walk along the winding paths after the matrix organization of the numbered streets of the city will bring real pleasure.
3.Lunch at Marea: 240 Central Park S Marea is a small seafood restaurant on 59th Street and Broadway. The seafood menu is excellent—oysters, mussels, crab, and lobster—and Italian pasta for lunch. Get there before 2 p.m., or you’ll have to settle for a limited selection of dishes or wait until 5 p.m. for dinner.
4.Walking along the Highline Once upon a time, someone had a brilliant idea - to turn an old railway into a park! The idea was supported, because the city so lacks green spaces. And now this is one of the most popular places where you can leisurely stroll along a path at the height of a 10-story building, sit on benches with a panoramic view or go jogging. And the most fashionable events of the city are constantly held here - exhibitions, concerts, fashion week…
5.Sunset at the Roof Top Bar at The Standard Hotel The Standard Hotel is one of the trendiest hotels in NYC. It opened a bit provocatively, and it quickly gained popularity among tourists. But locals also love this hotel, and all because its rooftop offers stunning views of the city. To add some spice, a swimming pool was made on the top glass floor, and a fun bar was arranged on the open part of the roof. Here you will enjoy an incredible sunset and excellent champagne. One of the trendiest nightclubs is also located here. By the way, on the first floor of the hotel there is a wonderful restaurant with oysters, seafood and very tasty desserts. The Highline area is home to many cute shops of American designers, as well as designer clothing stores, so if you are tired of famous brands, this is the place for you.
Day two 1.Moma is a museum of modern art. It has a wonderful collection of works by Picasso, Gauguin, Van Gogh, Cezanne, Rousseau, Matisse. Mondrian's last work, "Broadway Boogie-Woogie", is also on display here, as well as one of Salvador Dali's most famous works, "The Persistence of Memory", which was given to the museum by an anonymous person in 1934.
There are no guided tours here, soyou will have to use an audio guide. I highly recommend listening to the children's version of the comments to the works - you will get incredible pleasure and feel like a child for a while.
A short story about the artist’s work is a small fairy tale or story with a great soundtrack: there is music, and sounds of nature, and animal voices, and birds singing.
To keep the listener's attention, the authors of thisideas make full use of interactive methods of interaction - you are constantly asked questions, such as how many animals are depicted in the picture, where the lion is hiding, who is that standing by the window…
It's a pity we don't have anything like this in our museums, because it's soThe presentation is capable of arousing a child's lasting interest in art, and such things are imprinted in memory for life. After the museum, I recommend stopping by the Design shop on the other side of the street - right opposite the entrance to MoMa. There you will find yourself surrounded by iconic items from designers all over the world. Most of the things, of course, were familiar, but there were also some that pleased and surprised.
2.The Top of the Rock observation deck at Rockefeller Centre is just two blocks from MoMA. So it's very convenient to take the super-fast elevator with a transparent roof straight from the museum to a height of over 300 meters and look at the city from a helicopter flight. Impressive!
3.Have dinner at NoMad Bar & Restaurant I would also add this to the list of places to visit. Excellent Michelin-level cuisine, great service, and, of course, the interior created by the Frenchman Jacque Garcia. Here you drown in the soft velvet of armchairs and sofas, the dark colors in the decoration of the walls and furniture create an incredibly intimate and cozy atmosphere.
Day three 1.The Frick Collection This is the mansion of the American industrialist billionaire Frick and his family, built in 1934. The owner and his beautiful wife Adelaide were people with a subtle sense of taste, passionate collectors, so here you will enjoy not only contemplating a stunning collection of classical paintings, but also magnificent interiors and unique items of decorative and applied art.
Here you want to look at everything:The decoration of the walls and ceilings, the paintings, the magnificent textiles on the windows, and of course the exquisite use of colour and many beautiful details. It houses a magnificent collection of English, Italian, French, Spanish and Flemish paintings, including several works by Rembrandt, Titian, Velázquez, El Greco and Veronese.
Freak wasn't a big fan.impressionists and post-impressionists and gave preference to the great masters of the 14th-19th centuries, but nevertheless, his collection also includes Degas' Rehearsal and Renoir's luxurious work Promenade. Right inside the museum is a charming winter garden with fountains and a pool where bronze frogs "live". It is a real pleasure to sit in this wonderful courtyard, leaf through a guidebook and think about where to rush next.
By the way, in all the above-mentioned museums you canconnect to free Wi-Fi. Photography is allowed in both the Metropolitan and the Moma, but the Frick Collection is strict about it - photography is prohibited everywhere except in the atrium.
2.Johnatan Adler Boutique on Madison Avenue Not far from the Frick Collection museum, among the blocks of premium brand stores, there is also a boutique of JA, a cult Californian designer. His interiors always look fresh, relevant and slightly ironic. Combinations of expensive materials, attention to detail and bold decisions - all this is reflected in his own signature collection of interior and decor items.
In addition to furniture and lighting in the boutiqueThere is a wide range of accessories, textiles and books, so if you want to buy original gifts, you can do it right here. The boutique is within walking distance of the Frick Collection and the Metropolitan, so it is convenient to drop in when you are nearby.
3.Kate Spade Flagship Boutique: 789 Madison Avenue Another interesting store nearby is the flagship boutique of Kate Spade, one of the most popular American brands. Her clothing and accessory collections are always a little provocative and bold, here you will see a lot of graphics and bright colors.
On four floors of a boutique on Madison AvenueYou can find everything from small accessories, such as cases for phones and tablets (naturally, iPhone and iPad models), handbags and clothes to furniture and home goods - dishes, textiles, cutlery, cute accessories and decorative items.
At this year's High Point Furniture exhibitionMarket brand presented a collection of furniture, textiles, lighting, wallpaper and accessories for the first time. Elegant forms, light irony and bold decisions are the formula for its success. Polka dots in the furniture trim and chair upholstery, pink owls on the wallpaper are a bit of provocation and hooliganism in the world of elegant American luxury in the Hollywood Regency style.
4.Lunch at The Back Room at the Park Hyatt: 157 West, 57 street It's worth going here just for the eclairs. They offer a whole eclair menu where you can choose any three flavors. Everything else here is, of course, top-notch: luxurious interior, delicious food, excellent service, but the eclairs with different flavors and different designs are something incredible!
5. Walk along Broadway Yes, it may be a tourist spot in NYC, but you have to see it with your own eyes. It’s hard to spend more than ten minutes here, but it’s definitely worth a visit.
A Design Guide to New York for First-Time Visitors -