House and Cottage

Uneasy cottage from simple materials -


The project of this house is that kindprivate architecture, when what at first glance looks nondescript turns out to be solid and functional upon closer examination. The editorial board interviewed the architects and was imbued with the total area of ​​the building we are considering today - 237 square meters. On two floors there are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen-living room, a playroom and an office, and you can get into the house from both the first and the second tier, which can ideally solve the issue of zoning for both halves. Sergey Timofeev, architect: - The house is an interesting volumetric planning solution. It seems to consist of three parts attached to each other, which is emphasized by a multi-level roof, and especially by siding, which, in addition to a non-standard texture, is launched in all directions throughout the entire volume. The creator of this house is an architectural bureauLeon Meyer. The head of the workshop has been engaged in construction and design for over 30 years, presenting innovative ideas and non-standard developments to the public with each of his projects. Working with a number of both private and corporate clients, the bureau has a reputation as a reliable and capable partner, ready to consider all possible options before starting the main work. Sergey Timofeev, architect: - If we talk about the house as a whole, then this is the case when something worthwhile was assembled from simple materials and using the cheapest construction methods. In terms of technology, this resembles sea containers, into which windows are cut, covered with a roof, composing volumes - and a masterpiece is ready! It looks really gorgeous. Buildings of this type are usually cheap inconstruction, since inexpensive materials are used for them. Possessing high seismic resistance and resistance to other weather conditions, the building can be erected absolutely anywhere - even in a warm, even in a cold country. Even here, if at the construction stage - which, by the way, will pass quite quickly - add several layers of insulation outside: mineral wool, expanded polystyrene foam, foam or sheet material. Sergey Timofeev, architect: - The layout of the house is very practical due to its square-nesting layout, with the exception of one thing - the common area is located above the main bedroom area. In addition, the patio is raised on racks to the second level to adjoin the living room. There is one more "strange" moment of this arrangement: in order to shorten the path from the gazebo to the kitchen, an additional transitional street platform was made, from which we get to the intermediate flight of the stairs - is it strange? But the plus of this is that additional volume is given to the facades, which is why the house, in turn, only benefits. Perhaps all these inconveniences were made only for one purpose - to make out the sea coast from the second floor, which, judging by the photographs, is located next to the house. A very nice balcony adjoins the living room onsecond floor. You can set a table on it and enjoy dinner with your family and in the fresh air, which, however, is also abundant in the interior. The mass of white and open spaces create a very welcoming environment. Several entrances allow you to supplement the project with just one partition, which strictly divides the house into two parts, in tiers. Sergey Timofeev, architect: - If we add a kitchen on the second floor to this layout, then it will be possible to consider such a house as a business project and rent one level of the house without interfering with the tenants. Or build and offer it for rent to two families at once. The plan and photos are taken from the site

