Saving resources is always relevant and today wewe will tell you how to make your home energy efficient and how you can save significantly on electricity. You can make your home energy efficient without major construction work, but the result will not be visible immediately, since saving resources requires an integrated approach - here you need to provide for the replacement of double-glazed windows, and insulate the structures and make changes to the electrical network. Therefore, it is recommended to increase the energy efficiency of the house during repairs. What you need to pay special attention to and what to choose - read efficient lamps ChooseEnergy-efficient lamps Modern energy-saving light sources, unlike incandescent lamps, have significantly less power, while their service life exceeds 10,000 hours, and the warranty is more than one year. During this time, they have time to fully pay for themselves and bring tangible benefits to the family budget. Opt for lamps that illuminate a specific part of the room, for example, sconces and floor lamps. There is no particular need to illuminate the entire room if you want to read in bed before going to bed. If possible, install dimmers that allow you to smoothly adjust and maintain the required level of illumination in the room, which in turn reduces energy consumption. When choosing lamps, pay attention to the shape of the lampshades and evaluate in advance how convenient it will be for you to care for them. A clean lampshade provides greater illumination and reduces inefficient energy loss.
energy efficient lighting fixtures «IdeallyIt is recommended to equip the entire lighting system in the house with such lamps. If from a financial point of view it is more convenient to do it gradually, then it is better to start with the rooms where the light is on most often, for example, the hallway and kitchen. The energy consumption due to a forgotten light bulb in the hallway will be less noticeable for you in this case. » — Boris Semenenko, TNS Energo Group of Companies Replace the old electricity meter Modern electricity meters are qualitatively different from their predecessors, and replacing outdated equipment will not only update the system, but also achieve significant savings. «Modern meters can be programmed to work in different time zones of the day and at different rates. They are also able to automatically record and save readings and daily load schedules in memory, based on the analysis of which you can make an informed conclusion about the choice of the price category (tariffs) option. You will pay less not only for the operation of the dishwasher and washing machine at night, but also in general you will reduce your expenses on electricity, which is consumed around the clock by household appliances, such as a refrigerator, boiler, water heater, Wi-Fi router, etc. - Boris Semenenko, TNS Energo Group of Companies
replace old electricity meterDown with tees – reduce energy losses It is necessary to make a list of electrical equipment and its location in advance, so that sockets can be installed within reach. The number of electrical appliances is constantly growing, so sockets should be installed with a reserve. The use of tees and extension cords increases the resistance in the network and increases energy consumption.
Down with tees – reducing energy lossesin the house The color of the walls also plays an important role Light walls and ceilings can return up to 80% of the light. The darker the color of the walls, the less light output there will be. Light walls, light curtains and light furniture reduce lighting costs by 10-15%, which means they help with electricity and the money to pay for it.
White color will help reduce lossesUse energy-efficient new generation equipment Equipment manufactured 20 years ago consumes several times more electricity, while modern household appliances are manufactured with energy saving in mind. When choosing equipment, it is better to choose a high energy consumption class, for example, A (+) or A (+++). Such devices are a little more expensive, but their efficiency will save up to 75% of electricity. An equally important issue will be choosing the right place for your new refrigerator: away from the radiator, stove, and certainly not in direct sunlight from the window.
Energy efficient appliances Insulate your home Autumnin full swing, and still no heating? A familiar situation! It is at these moments that we take out our “gluttonous” electric heaters. But if you pay attention to the insulation of windows, floors, walls and the front door at the stage of energy-efficient repairs, you can avoid these problems. First of all, you should give preference to energy-saving double-glazed windows, which will not allow up to 50% of the heat to escape. It is recommended to make the front door double. There are a lot of modern ways to insulate the floor and walls, just choose the one that suits you.
Insulate your home - reduce losseselectricity In addition, during the renovation, it is necessary to replace outdated radiators, since modern heating devices not only have a higher heat output, but also carry an aesthetic load when decorating the interior. Install heating thermostats that will automatically maintain a set temperature level and create comfortable conditions in the house. It is important not to clutter the heating devices with furniture and interior items, as they will work inefficiently. It would seem like a trifle, but a reduction in heat loss is guaranteed up to 15%.
Insulate your home - reduce losseselectricity Install a ventilation system Think about the future air exchange system in your home in advance. Modern window or wall ventilators, as well as recuperative ventilation systems, work much more efficiently than a constantly open window and prevent heat loss
proper ventilation By applying these tips younot only will you significantly reduce your electricity bills, but you will also make it cozy and warm, and you can read about how to make your home in our other articles.
Golden rules for saving electricity every day -