One of the biggest problems of single-familyhouse is the garage: its design, size and location. The practice of a building for several cars often located closer to the street than to the front door needs to be changed. The best solution to this problem is a garage connected to the residential building into a single ensemble. How to do this can be judged by our specific examples. The translucent gates of the garage are illuminated from the inside at night. And during the day, when the lights are off, they stand out against the general background, like a wooden screen. And the horizontal planks continue along the facade of the house, creating a strong connection between them; they are reinforced on the roof of the garage and pass into the terrace in front of the master bedroom.
A similar approach is used here. Uniform wooden planks decorate the building from the right edge to the left, where the garage is located.
To make the building for four cars seem less bulky, the architects created a design with four separate gates instead of two large ones. A light long terrace was made for the same purpose.
This modern dwelling is two boxes withglass window openings – includes a garage space, the depth of which can be judged by the external side wall. The unique design demonstrates an example of how author's house projects can unite garages with residential buildings, not only physically, but also stylistically.
The building for cars and the house can beautonomous. But in most cases they have a common roof or outer wall. In this example, they are united by translucent doors of the facade and garage box, which emphasizes the modern style of the design.
This L-shaped building has a distinctive look. The parking lot and wide entrance would make it look like an office if it weren't for the overhangs, sloping roofs at different levels and the close-lying vegetation.
The garage on the left is connected by a covered passage to the residential building, which is reflected in the overall design of this complex.
Comparing this huge estate of 3,350 square meters to a village would be an exaggeration. Here we see a garage and an arch…
…an arch that opens up a passageway reminiscent of a country street between the garage building and the main house.
If you look carefully behind the gate, you can see a new building for cars to the left of this house.
A whimsical path connects the living area with the garage, which is accessed through a sliding door.
It should be remembered that in urban buildingsIt is very difficult to achieve that the architecture of the facade includes rustic motifs. Sometimes very complex design solutions are required. In this photo, the garage doors have some similarities with the second floor windows and the front entrance. At least everything is subordinated to the general logic of the building's design.
With this arrangement of parking in the far part of the estate, the car is parked as if on display.
At the side of this townhouse is a narrow garage extension, which is integrated into the overall complex of the low-rise building with a wide window on the second floor.
The area in front of buildings is as important as,For example, garage doors. Green covering in front of the garage is becoming increasingly popular, which is created by grass growing between the paving stones. This allows water not to linger, but to flow off or be absorbed into the ground without hindrance. Here, the grass grows next to the garage, at the beginning of a regular driveway.
This is an example of how surfaces can be mixed on the estate.
The same pattern of the covering is visible on the front platform, which could well be used for parking. Now let's move on to the next group of projects: carports.
The photo shows a successful combination of a garage and a carport. This design is typical for South Carolina.
And here is an example of a more modern house. A car goes along the driveway from a temporary parking place under the house to a garage in the far corner of the yard.
Here the car park is connected to the house by the roof of the extension. Its supports separate the two parking spaces.
Here's another example of how spectacular carports can be. The entrance to the home on the right is barely visible.
This unusual home has a free-standing wooden structure, shown in the photo on the right, which serves as a parking area in front of the house.
On closer inspection, the designturns out to be a set of parts under a translucent roof that provides lighting for the parking lot. This unique parking lot is simple and requires less maintenance than a typical suburban garage. Material courtesy of John Hill.
Magnificent design projects of houses with garages