The vacation is over, and I really want to keep it longerimpressions of a wonderful vacation. This is possible if you always have the best fragments of a wonderful time in front of you, captured in photographs. And our ideas will help you hang photos in your house. Do you know the feeling when, after a wonderful vacation, you mentally return to the places where you rested? Often, you want to refresh your memories with photographs. There is no point in going to the computer every time to look through the pictures again. Print out the photos and hang them up, place them around the apartment in the most unexpected places. Your vacation will stay with you for a long time. The easiest way is to select a place on one of the walls, preferably in the room where you spend most of your time, and hang the photos there.Those who are ardent neat freaks can place each photo on a backing.
If you are, why not use everyday objects to hang your photos?
Literally anything that comes to hand can serve as a means for securing photographs.
Clotheslines in the living room? It's not that scary. And who will pay attention to them if they "hold" the best moments of your life?
An old picture frame can still be useful as a window into the world of your relaxation.
Such a branch will immediately give a hint: the photographs hanging on it are directly related to the most carefree pastime.
Why not hang the photos in the yard if you spend most of your time there in the summer? You can even make some backlighting for them from old Christmas lights. The holiday will be with you again.
This arrangement is more suitable for a bedroom.
Making a photo stand out of pallets is already becoming a classic. You can temporarily move the photos placed on them and replace them with vacation ones.
Another way to use an old picture frame for photographs, and at the same time...
This is exactly the option when you combine business with pleasure. The best pictures from your photo archive can take a long place on the dial of such a watch.
This arrangement of photos will constantly remind you that you spent your vacation with your loved one.
Group the photos and place them in several frames. It will look great.
This arrangement can be used in any room. The main thing is that the photos are always in front of your eyes. Let them hang until you want to put them away.
Door with many windows - If everyone hasn't entered, use the nearest wall.
A doorway is also suitable for photos that you want to have in front of your eyes all the time.
Refraction of photographs in this way will only bring them to life and make your memories more vivid.
Hangers made from a wardrobe will allow you not only to attach photos, but also to move them around the apartment wherever you want.
Doesn't it remind you of the sun? Especially on a wall of this color. Summer vacation is already with you at the stage of composing photos.
An old window frame can also serve you as a mobile photo album.
Place not only photos on the shelves, but also souvenirs that you brought from the trip. This will help you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of your trip more than once.
Why do you need faceless corners in your home? Turn them into a photo gallery. A constant reminder of the best moments of your vacation will help you plan your next trip.
Create your own vacation photo booth like this kid's one. Stick your best photo in the center. It will be your guide to a wonderful vacation.
Photos attached in this way to the old staircase will allow you not only to constantly have them in front of your eyes, but also to change them periodically.
How to hang vacation photos: 25 options –