House and Cottage

A house the size of a small house: 35 square meters for everything -


In your opinion, at 35 meters it is difficult to stay inApartment? And what about the house of the same square? In which, by the way, everything necessary for a comfortable life was placed. Do not believe me? See for yourself Such a tiny dwelling will suit people wanting to hide from the bustle and riot of the big city. Like a hidden corner of the soul, this compact, seemingly collapsible house is nevertheless a well-thought out technologically and fully realized project. Tucked away in the countryside outsideTurin (Italy), the creative house merges with the hillside on which it is located. But its secluded and inconspicuous location is completely compensated by the spectacular view from the window, and the clear lines of the facade, coupled with the massive brick wall, give it the outlines of a majestic palace. The porch adds similarities, reminiscent of the hinged bridge across the moat. Unity with nature is emphasized just forAccount of a large terrace, which smoothly passes into the internal space through a window in the wall. And you can reach it by a wooden staircase, the steps of which begin at the foot of the hill. Inside the house, the area of ​​which is almost 35Square meters, are all standard for any apartment zone: kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom with toilet and shower. One is transformed into another, the hidden elements are everywhere. The kitchen lurks in the stairs, it is enough just to move or raise the shelves. The upper part of the kitchen area is the floor forBedrooms, which fit a double bed, the recessed headboard which is convenient for fixing wall side lamps, and also frees the interior from unnecessary decor elements here. To the left of the bed is a miniature open wardrobe, and to the right - the entrance to the toilet. Everything is done extremely strictly, simply and functionally. Three colors of the interior - white, black and textureTree - only emphasize all created minimalism. But the narrow space is lost due to the fact that through the window you can view a huge area and have a view of the water. Therefore, there is only a sense of peace and tranquility.

