Apartments up to 45 sq.m.

How to fully live on an area of ​​16 meters: odnushka in Sweden


Still complaining that your apartment is toopetite? Then we will show you on a real example how even on an area of ​​16 meters you can create a truly cozy and stylish space with all the necessary rooms. Today's "baby" from Sweden is a real standard of clever, practical and high-quality design. This perfectly designed space is proof that the size really does not matter. No matter how small the apartment is, it can always be turned into a place filled with style, individuality and coziness.

Non-standard approach

The first thing you pay attention to in this apartment- a large amount of black, which is unusual for the Scandinavian style. And it's not quite a standard choice for a small room, because in compact rooms, designers often prefer light shades. Most likely, this decision is due to the fact that a young man lives here, and he wanted to add a masculine character to the apartment. We can safely assume that when arranging his home, functionality and minimalism were in the first place. But take a good look, the white color also found a place here, and it was added where the designer wanted to visually extend or expand the room. The ceiling is also white, so the space does not "press", but looks filled with light and air.

3 in 1

Entering the apartment, on the right side we seea modern matte black kitchen without door handles that occupies part of the wall. And even if the work surface is very small, there is a lot of space inside the cabinets for storing dishes and kitchen utensils. On the left we have a cozy seating area, which is also a compact living room. The central place in this space is occupied by a yellow sofa, it makes a dark room more cheerful, bright and comfortable. Thanks to this, the interior does not look gloomy and impersonal. You will be surprised, but there is also a bedroom that does not take up a centimeter of usable space. She lurked immediately at the entrance above the door, on the second tier. And even if it is just a mattress and a light bulb, you don't need to lay out the sofa every time in the morning and in the evening. Behind the glass door is a patio, a small corner where you can relax with friends or with a glass of good red wine. The wood finish makes it incredibly warm and cozy. Our opinion: - What amazes the most about this apartment is how rationally the entire available area is used. If you, like here, have high ceilings, it is a sin not to take advantage of such a precious advantage. In a small apartment, you need to make the most of the vertical space from floor to ceiling, where you can store a huge amount of all kinds of things.

Where hid the white color

The bathroom also does not differ in a large area,however, due to its simple and striking design, it does not feel cramped. White was chosen as the basis, which was used for the ceiling, walls, furniture and plumbing. In order to dilute this snow-white kingdom, several multi-colored accents were added here: towels, a poster and a cactus in a pot. All these items are in perfect harmony with each other, giving the interior a playfulness and freshness. Our opinion: - The main attraction of the bathroom is the large mirrored wall next to the sink. Take this simple trick if you want to expand the boundaries of the room and make it more spacious. And if you add a large amount of white color to the space, the visual effect will surpass all expectations, the room will visually increase several times.

Let there be light!

In any room of any size, especially ina small, important role is played by light. After all, if it is not enough, the space will be dark and uncomfortable. In this tiny apartment, natural light comes from tall glass doors from floor to ceiling. White air curtains made of translucent fabric let the sun's rays penetrate inside. Enough attention is also paid here to artificial light. It can be observed at different points: above the kitchen countertop, along the cabinets in the recreation area, spotlights on the ceiling, two blue lamps above the sofa.

