Many designers use it in their designsinterior of apartments semicircular wall made of plasterboard. Figure 1. In order to make it yourself, you will have to work a little. To facilitate the process of creating such a partition with your own hands, before starting work you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations and the process of production of works, which will be given below.
A semicircular wall looks unusual and interesting; it can be made from plasterboard.
What you need to know to make a semi-circular wall of gypsum board
The main difficulty in creating and installing such a structure is as follows:
The line of the wall is marked with a pencil, using a cord like a compass.
For the strength of the structure, only the steel profile should be used.
Drywall has a fairly low limit of strength, so to bend it, you need to use special templates.
If the wall being constructed has a small bending radius, then the plasterboard must be wetted before installation - this will allow it to be bent at any angle.
It is desirable that the wall height is up to the ceiling, so it is easier to mount it.
If it does not reach it, then to increase stability it will be necessary to use metal profiles to secure the semicircle from above. Return to contents</a>
Work technology
It consists of performing the following actions:
The base of the frame is made from a U-profile, cutting it and bending it to the required diameter.
On the floor draw a line on which to be madewall. To do this, you need a rope and a marker (pencil). One end of the cord (the starting point) is pressed to the floor, and the other is stretched for a length equal to the radius of the future design. At this point, fix the marker and, holding the rope in a tightened state, hold a semicircle on the floor.
The next operation requires a metal U- a profile from a plasterboard installation kit. Cuts are made in it using metal shears. Many types of such profiles have cutouts made by the manufacturer, so they can be extended to the desired level.
The finished element must be fixed on the floor with long screws or metal dowels.
Now we need to make a projection of the initial point onceiling. To do this, use a plumb line or a long flat rail. Mark the marker with the received coordinate, spend on the ceiling with a rope and a pencil (as in the first paragraph) a semicircle.
For the installation of vertical supports, moreone kind of metal profile for gypsum board, namely its C-modification, which must be connected with the U-rail mounted on the floor with screws. To verify the correct position of the vertical stand, use a plumb or a metal square in 90 degrees.
Prepare the U-profile for the ceiling, notchingit in the right places. It is attached with screws to the vertical rack, but the ceiling is not fixed, connecting its second end with a wedge. In such a scheme, you need to fix one more U-rail in the middle of the vertical rack.
Drill a hole in the semicircular profile on the ceiling and screw it to it with a metal dowel.
Using C-profiles, it is necessary to mount vertical racks in a semicircle. The step is selected within 18-25 cm. They are connected with screws to all U-shaped slats on the floor, ceiling and in the middle of the structure.
The resulting frame is used as a base for fixing the sheets of material. Work should be conducted from the convex side of the semicircle. The step of screwing the screws must be within 12-16 cm.
After that, the sheets can be attached to the wall withinner side. If it is necessary that it does not make noise, then between the layers of material, mineral wool or any other sound absorber can be fixed on the profiles. When installing the inner part of the work begin from the center of the semicircle to its edges.
All protruding parts are cut off and ground.
The end part of the construction is sealed with GKL strips.
Joints on the skin should be glued with a special net-tape.
All angular parts of the structure are madeputty and installed perforated corner. After that, everything is leveled with an angled trowel. The same work is done under the ceiling, at the junction. Apply putty on the wall, and after it dries, everything is sanded with a zero number of sandpaper.
The final stage is to prime the surface of the structure and paint it in the desired color.
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Used materials and tools
Types of profiles required for installing a wall frame.
GKL sheets.
Metal profiles.
Screws and dowels.
Electric drill.
Shears for metal.
Spatulas - regular and angular.
Roller or brush.
Construction knife.
A hammer.
The plumb line, the building level.
Roulette, ruler, pencil.
Rope and marker.
Self-production of semicircularstructures from plasterboard sheets - the task is quite solvable if all the above recommendations and advice are correctly applied and the technology of assembling such products is not deviated from. The completed structure will serve for many years.