How to Make Watching Movies at Homeeven more exciting than in the cinema? What does the ideal home cinema consist of? What materials should be used when arranging it? We give professional answers to all questions Recently, the company MMS Cinema, a leader in the field of arranging home cinemas, held a training seminar for architects, designers and anyone interested in its showroom, where it shared the secrets of creating the ideal cinema in your own home. We attended this exciting event and are ready to reveal all the secrets to you!
Cinema hall arrangement
Creating the Perfect Home Cinemamust necessarily be preceded by design. It is important to consider many things: the size of the room, the height of the ceilings, to determine your own expectations and to outline the location of the screen, sound sources, chairs. This work requires a painstaking professional approach, and it is best to entrust it to specialists. Kerim Tatevyan, representative of MMS Cinema: - A properly organized home cinema should be better in quality than a commercial one.
Practical advice from Kerim Tatevyan:
Incorrect organization of home cinemacan negate all the efforts and resources spent on selecting and purchasing high-quality equipment. It is important to choose materials that provide maximum sound insulation and sound absorption. Valery Lysyuk, design engineer at MMS Cinema: — The performance of even the best speakers depends heavily on the room, and if not installed properly, even professional equipment will not work at half capacity. Design engineer Valery Lysyuk, who specializes in sound quality in home cinemas, demonstrated samples of sound-absorbing and sound-insulating construction materials at the MMS Cinema seminar — innovations created specifically for the company. Today, these new products are used by specialists to create an “acoustic shell” for a room (a proprietary comprehensive modular solution for home cinemas). Valeriy Lysyuk, design engineer at MMS Cinema: - Based on the data from hardware measurements of the acoustic properties of the room, we decide where exactly to place the sound-absorbing material and how much of it will be needed, and we place the scattering surfaces in specific places. A comprehensive modular approach allows us to select suitable solutions as quickly as possible, based on existing ready-made developments. At the same time, the customer's resources are not spent on creating something fundamentally new, but the desired effect is achieved without compromise. As a result of a competent approach, after proper acoustic treatment, the cinema hall will have a flat frequency response. This means that there will be no pronounced resonances that could distort the sound of the home theater acoustic systems.
Practical advice from Valery Lysyuk:
The correct selection of fabrics with the necessarycharacteristics — an integral part of the design of a personal home cinema. The higher the sound-absorbing properties of the fabric, the better. At the MMS Cinema seminar, Anna Krekoten and Marina Gerasimova from Vallila Interior presented new products from Création Baumann: transparent Deltacoustic and Zetacoustic fabrics, which have exceptionally high sound absorption: 60-65%. Anna Krekoten, representative of Vallila Interior: — Thanks to an improved method of weaving the fabric, the Swiss managed to remove excess shine. It occurs due to the use of foil thread, which improves the acoustic properties of the fabric. Now this thread is visible only from the reverse side. With the release of these new products, which have no analogues in the world, Création Baumann confirmed its reputation as a world leader in the production of high-tech textiles and an expert in the field of improving the acoustic properties of a room. Marina Gerasimova, representative of Vallila Interior: — The functional characteristics of acoustic fabrics are confirmed by research protocols and certificates that guarantee the declared quality. This significantly simplifies the work of acoustic specialists and architects, and a wide range allows you to choose the desired color and texture within the framework of the implementation of a specific design concept.
Editorial opinion:— Often, when arranging a home cinema, a design close to the interiors of movie theaters is chosen: stylized chairs, neutral design. However, a home cinema is your own space, and it does not necessarily have to be faceless. The interior design of this room can continue the style chosen for the entire house, or become a completely separate and original story.,,,,,,,,,,, vk. com,