Many customers do not agree to choose bright colorsshades of wallpaper or fabrics, preferring calm combinations, discreet tones and light furniture items. The designer tells us how to add color to the interior without going overboard. Fear of bright colors is a problem known to many. Often, designers even feel that the customer would like to make the interior brighter, but is afraid of color, afraid of making a mistake with the shade, afraid that tomorrow he will get tired of the crimson wall or floral wallpaper… We turned to designer Victoria Vlasova for advice. Victoria Vlasova, designer-architect: - The reason for this choice is that many clients do not imagine how their interior will look and be perceived in a brighter color scheme. However, today the choice of wallpaper, textiles, floor coverings and furniture is very wide, and it is the designer's job to explain and demonstrate interior innovations to the customer. Let's give an example. If the client prefers a classic interior, many designers suggest decorating it in calm beige shades. However, even for such houses there is a wide choice of color palette of wallpapers and fabrics that will give the interior freshness and a new sound. For example, interesting fabrics Delhine Walls and Textures with a checkered pattern or stripes of various shades will look great in the interior of a classic style. A geometric pattern will add dynamics to the interior and make it sunnier.
In the interior, designed in the English style,Combinations of gray and yellow or gray and blue shades will be a great addition to architectural severity. For example, in an interior designed in calm gray-beige tones, you can add bright details: sofa cushions and curtains made from fabrics from the Folia Checks and Stripes collection.
For those who are ready for bold experiments, you canoffer textiles in deeper shades - noble burgundy or dark turquoise with a small geometric pattern. Curtains in combination with decorative pillows made, for example, from Pasha Fabrics or Tamika Plains will become a bright spot of color that does not overload the interior and gives it a noble individuality.
Playing with color always borders on the theme of choicetextures and patterns of the materials used. You shouldn't fill the interior with both. If the decoration of most of the interior has a complex pattern, it can be repeated only in small details, and do not try to fill the entire space of the house with active prints and colors. When choosing a bright shade of walls, you should pay attention to calmer furniture. And when creating an interior decoration in laconic tones, the upholstery of the furniture can be made more accentuated. For interiors in a modern style, working with color is common. Here, fashionable palettes with geometric patterns come to the rescue. Piet Hein Eek wallpaper, made in the loft style and giving the house a bright and extraordinary effect, looks great in modern interiors. Colored lamps, armchairs or art objects go well with such wallpaper.
Practical advice from Victoria Vlasova