Декабрь уже подходит к концу, а значит, самое time to choose a Christmas tree. Today etk-fashion.com will tell readers what kind of coniferous beauties there are, which tree will have fewer needles and how not to make a mistake when choosing the main New Year tree. Two blondes decided to go to the forest for a Christmas tree. They spent seven hours looking for a coniferous beauty and got lost. Then one of them suddenly says: “That’s it! I’m tired! Let’s take it without toys.”New Year without a Christmas tree is the same as .And since the holiday is just around the corner, we decided to help you choose the main holiday attribute. Top mistakes when choosing a Christmas tree 1. Not all trees are equally useful When choosing a New Year tree, we usually focus on spruce and pine trees. However, it is these representatives of the coniferous kingdom that cannot stand closed spaces. Warm and dry air will ruin the trees in a matter of minutes. Fir and juniper are also not an ideal option. But yews and thujas are perfect for the role of a holiday tree. Related articles
2.The patient is more dead than alive When buying a Christmas tree, take a close look at the soil in which it is sold. After all, if the soil is dry, then the tree itself is most likely already dying. And it will not be possible to revive the Christmas tree, like many deciduous plants.
3.And without water - and nowhere! Christmas trees love water. It is advisable to spray them once or twice a day. Check the soil in the pot and the evenness of the moisture distribution. The water for irrigation should be slightly warmer than 20 °C. As for fertilizers, various mineral substances intended specifically for conifers are sold in any flower shop. And you should fertilize the tree no more than once a month.
4.And I'm losing my roots... One of the most common mistakes is to clean the tree's roots from the special substrate applied to the spruce in the store. The root system of the tree is already actively interacting with chemical elements. Accordingly, if the soil is removed from the roots, the plant may die.
5.Color or no color When choosing a coniferous beauty, be sure to look at its color. It is important that it is uniform along the entire length of the crown. Also look at the trunk - it should be completely covered with needles.
6.The Naked Truth When buying a tree, take it and hit the ground a couple of times with the lower part of the trunk: if it hasn't fallen off, take it; if it has fallen off, hand it over to the seller. Many people make this mistake out of basic embarrassment. In fact, there is nothing "criminal" about it. It is unlikely that the tree will give you back, although… Related articles
7. Yolkiny polik Get to know the tree before buying it — “shake” its branch. If the branches are gutta-percha and bend easily, then the tree is freshly cut, and if they are dry and break, then the spruce was cut down a long time ago.
Choose your tree correctly, and we will help you with this. And if you were unable to buy a tree for the New Year, hang it on the most persistent member of the family and dance in a circle until dawn.
How to decorate a house for the New Year: the main mistakes in choosing a Christmas tree