Design and Decor

How to decorate a house for the New Year: a terrific example from a designer


Many have already decorated their homes for the New Year andare preparing for the holiday with might and main. Interior designer Asya Bondareva has also prepared. She shared the history of her New Year's interior and decor ideas with us. Where do you celebrate the New Year? At home, in the country or in another country? Asya Bondareva has a country house that is ideal for a winter vacation in the company of family and close friends. And as a real designer, Asya could not help decorating it for the holiday. And what she did, she gladly showed and told us. Related articles Asya Bondareva, interior designer: Educated in the field of interior design at the British Higher School of Art and Design. In 2014 she became a finalist of the open all-Russian competition Interia Awards. He gives master classes at various thematic events, including a lecturer on an intensive course at the British Higher School of Art and Design. - This house appeared in our family after I realized that I would soon become a mother. We bought it in a cottage village, rebuilt it a little, and I enthusiastically took up the arrangement and decoration. Then I just graduated from the British Higher School of Design and plunged headlong into a new profession, and my house became a testing ground for endless ideas. Decorating a house for the holidays is one of the traditions of our family. My mother made any holiday unusually beautiful, but the New Year, of course, stood out among them. Since childhood, I have absorbed the feeling of a real holiday, and for me the decor of the room is a necessary attribute of real fun. And also in our family there are many valuable items that are passed down from generation to generation. For example, an old clock still belonged to my great-grandmother, and now it hangs on the wall in my house. Now I decorate my house every season.In winter, of course, this happens before the New Year, in spring - by Easter, in summer - closer to my birthday in August, and in autumn, in October, the gifts of nature from our garden become the decor. Every New Year, many friends come to us with children, and for children it is simply necessary to arrange a New Year's fairy tale. Therefore, we think over all surprises and gifts, holiday scenarios in advance. I actively involve my son in decorating the interior. We go shopping together, he gladly joins in my ventures. Finds awesome tree toys and new heroes for the mantel. Every year we have it decorated in a special way, for example, this year two hares are sitting on it. The son was also fully responsible for decorating the tree this year, and he did it, I must say, very well. I try to buy all New Year's decor insmall designer salons, where there are really interesting, exclusive gizmos. Last year, in one such salon, for example, I found amazing Christmas tree decorations in the form of cutlery: a spoon, a fork, a knife. They look great as part of the chandelier decor above the holiday table. This year I got large wooden candlesticks. They decorated the porch of the house, and in the dark, we light candles in them. Looks fabulous! Candles, in my opinion, are a necessary attribute of the New Year. And in general, this year we wanted to dress up the porch in front of the house, so that the New Year's mood would start from the very doorstep. Therefore, it was decided not to remove the pots for flowers on the porch, but to decorate in the New Year's spirit. I bought in advance decorative wreaths and Christmas balls and made festive compositions.

