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How to replace windows - simple repairs in the apartment


Bored the old windows? Is there a need to supply new ones? Easily! The main thing is to pay attention to those factors that will be important to you. And we will help you to understand what exactly it is. In the process of repairing or designing a new apartment, it's always worth paying attention to the windows. After all, everyone wants them to serve and delight the eyes for as long as possible. You must immediately understand what you need to get from the windows, so that everything is decidedly pleasing. Therefore, it is necessary to first determine the most important parameters associated with such an indispensable element of any apartment. Factors important when choosing windows aredesign, noise protection, temperature stability, price, durability, transparency. Each person decides for himself what to pay attention to in the first place. And if something does not suit the existing windows, the problem must be solved. Therefore, let's dwell on each parameter in more detail. Editorial opinion: - Usually people are very scrupulous about the choice of any element of their home. We are talking not only about windows, but also about doors, kitchen sets, plumbing fixtures, household appliances and furniture. A huge number of new products are presented by brands at interior exhibitions throughout the year. The appearance of the room depends on the choice of details, but an incorrectly selected element can ruin the whole impression. Therefore, questions should always be approached with special zeal, paying attention to every centimeter of space. Noise protection This parameter is so important for any window,as sound insulation, it is constantly tested. Big city life is all about the sound of highways, construction work, or the screams of people. But sometimes you really want silence ... Therefore, window manufacturers are trying to reduce the level of sound entering the apartment. Noise protection solutions of the company representtwo- or three-chamber double-glazed windows of a special design. They use glasses of different thicknesses, different inter-glass distances and even a special acoustic triplex for those who have an eternal cork or a stadium under the window. Such windows will make you feel not in the center of a metropolis, but in a country cottage. As a result, street noise is reduced by 34-40 dB, inwhile the indicators of ordinary windows barely reach 30. Checked: looking through such a window at the Third Ring Road, you will see only cars moving silently very close. Now nothing will distract you from watching your favorite TV series or communicating with your family. Read also:. Maintaining a comfortable temperature Few people knowthat modern windows are able not only to protect from dust, cold and noise, but also from heat and stuffiness in the warm season. The room will be protected from strong heating by the sun, so the atmosphere in the apartment will remain comfortable at any time. It is enough to install multifunctional glass to protect the house from any summer heat. Transparency Very nice to see through windowsa colorful landscape that is not affected in the least by the quality of the glass. Because there are such low-grade glasses that the light becomes dimmer, while distorting all colors. But they are able to give ultra-high-definition images, just like in television panels when watching video in 4K. Bright colors when looking at the street, additional light transmission, as well as the maximum possible transparency, much higher than the values ​​prescribed in GOST, are the trend of today. Solar Window startup was recently launchedTechnologies, which presented an innovative development - a coating for glass, which includes oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon material. These components collectively store solar energy, making it possible to supply 30 to 50% of the building with electricity. Editorial opinion: - Repair work related to the replacement of windows is carried out all year round. There are both summer and winter installation options, which is quite convenient for residents of large cities who are constantly busy at work. And the choice of the season for repairs does not affect the cost of the work in any way.

