Do you want to make a Christmas tree with your own hands?Today we will tell you how and from what — and very quickly — you can create a New Year's beauty. We offer 27 different and very beautiful "Fir Trees" It is difficult to imagine the New Year without a fir beauty. It is one of the main symbols of this bright holiday. But today many strive to preserve nature, preferring that real fir trees remain in the forest, safe and sound. In addition, your own decorative works can make the interior more cozy and warm. We tried to collect for you the most interesting, bold and creative ideas that are easy to implement at home from scrap materials. A thread-needle - and here is a Christmas tree! There is nothing easier than taking a few scraps of fabric, a needle, thread and making a few stitches. Even if you rarely sew and think that you do not have sewing skills, you can make rough seams. And it is not scary if the threads differ in color from the main fabric - it is even more interesting! If you don’t like sewing, use sewing pins to connect the improvised branches together. By the way, the best material for them is felt. It’s easy to use, beautiful and practical. Those who like to knit will have no trouble making a small green beauty out of yarn. Crochet items decorated with multi-colored beads will look elegant. If knitting and sewing aren’t your thing, the issue with the tree can be solved very simply – draw it on fabric, cut it out and attach it to the wall! Fast, stylish and interesting! Related articles
Christmas tree on the wall: trend or hopelessness?Since we are talking about wall decor, let's look at the options for Christmas trees that can be made this way. It is interesting that Christmas trees on walls have gained unprecedented popularity all over the world. Some people create such "trees" under the influence of fashion, while others - out of desperation. Not all apartments have a large area, this fact encourages people to look for an alternative solution - for example, to make a Christmas tree from a garland or a chain on the wall. Our opinion: - The most budget-friendly options are to draw a green beauty or make an applique from scotch tape and decorate with stars cut out of colored paper. And for those who have accumulated a lot of Christmas tree decorations at home, the ideal option is where the Christmas tree on the wall is made of colored balls.
What to make an alternative Christmas tree from:boards and branches In a relaxed country setting, alone with nature, it is nice to make a Christmas tree out of wood. No, you don’t need to do any carpentry. It is enough to collect branches that have broken off trees in the forest or garden. Fix them to the wall, you can do each one separately if the branches are large, and if not, tie them together with twine or coarse thick threads. Feel free to decorate such a tree with balls and garlands. An option with vintage boards or wooden pallets is also suitable for a country house. Fix the boards horizontally on one vertical one so that each subsequent one is slightly longer than the previous one. In the case of pallets, apply an image of a Christmas tree to the surface with white or any other paint you like. Then decorate with toys, hanging them on nails.
Eco-style Christmas trees made of plywood and cardboard are trendingMuch has been written and said about the popularity of eco-style. Today, it remains one of the most popular in the interior. This could not but be reflected in homemade Christmas trees. Making a New Year tree from these materials is not difficult. To do this, you need a little patience, a jigsaw, scissors, a utility knife and sandpaper. It does not matter whether you are working with cardboard or plywood, you will need to make preliminary markings or draw a silhouette of the future product on the material you are using. Then everything depends on the material: cut out cardboard with a utility knife and scissors, and plywood with a jigsaw. After cutting, process the edges of the plywood tree with sandpaper. Our opinion: - Such a tree is beautiful in itself and can act as an art object. But if you want to give it a festive look, you can make additional accessories in a neutral color and decorate the tree with a garland.
Think outside the box:Christmas trees made from the most unexpected materials Have you ever seen a Christmas tree made from the most ordinary metal spoons? How about options made from newspapers or books? Surprise your guests — come up with the most unusual Christmas tree in your life. What can you make it from? Wallpaper scraps that can be rolled into cones and assembled into a Christmas tree, or fir cones that you can decorate to create miniature Christmas trees will do. Fantasize, try, experiment — your Christmas tree will definitely delight your guests. Related articles Not a single tree was harmed in the preparation of this material!
Ideas of Christmas trees with their own hands: crocheted, balloons, cardboard