Such a trivial thing as a hanger inIn reality, the item is very serious and can have an incredibly beneficial effect on the durability and appearance of your clothes. Surprised? We are no less How do you feel about the hangers in your closet? Probably without due attention. Meanwhile, in the vastness of our great and immense country, a company specializing in the supply of these very hangers satisfies the most sophisticated wishes of its customers. Interested? We are too.
For the idea of wooden clothes hangersThe founders of this unusual business have one of their regular customers to thank, who once complained that he could not find quality hangers worthy of his wardrobe. After several months of searching and market research - of course, the Italian market first of all! - a whole unknown world opened up before those seeking "something new". A world of secrets and tricks for proper storage of clothes.
This is how the friendship with the Armadini factory arose.Collection, which produces wooden hangers for fashion houses and clothing stores. It turned out that hangers can differ in size, shoulder width, that they must have an appropriate shape, repeating the shape of human shoulders - only on a properly selected hanger can clothes be stored for a long time without losing their freshly ironed appearance.
In addition, it turned out that the clothes hangers— is not only a functional but also a decorative detail. They can be made in different finishes, from waxed beech to exclusive genuine leather finish — in this case, they can complement the interior design concept.
Working with an Italian production basepartly resembles a cultural exchange and is highly valued by our compatriots for its flexibility. Italians are used to dealing with stores, and Russian partners suggested looking into a new segment: the private interior area.
On the one hand, the experience accumulated by ArmadiniCollection, allowed us to set a very high bar in the variety of models, finishes and sizes offered. On the other hand, a private wardrobe implies certain specifics - a stricter approach to quality and the need for a wider range of accessories, such as trouser bars, boot clips, anti-slip velour coating and others, allowing you to save precious space in the house, because no matter how big your wardrobe is, there is usually never enough space in it!
Orders for enterprising Russian partnersArmadini Collection comes in different forms: sometimes the number of hangers required is voiced by the client, in which case they limit themselves to simply fulfilling the order. And sometimes the client sends the initial information in the form of drawings of the wardrobe, data on the sizes of the family members' clothes and wishes for finishing, and the Italian office selects hanger configurations and calculates their number. In 2014, the company became recognizable, more and more orders are coming in, and the Italian factory plans to create a warehouse and an online store in Russia.
Important trifle: where to buy hangers specially for your dress