How to choose the right wallpaper for a child's room?What should you base your choice of color and patterns on? What should a nursery look like so that a child would want to spend a long time in it? We are talking about this and much more today. It is known that the character and tone of the interior are determined by the right wallpaper. The mood and emotional state of your child directly depends on the appropriate color of the wallpaper. A nursery is a place where he or she learns about the world around him or her, plays, and relaxes. All these factors should be taken into account when decorating a nursery.
Change of scenery: color in the nursery
Each age has its own color preferences. The nursery is a personal space for a child, its own world. The decorations will change as your baby grows.
- In the first years of life, from birth to two years,A cheerful color palette is perfect for babies. Everything unusual, large and bright attracts a child. He studies the world around him. But you shouldn’t stick such wallpaper near a baby’s crib. It’s preferable to stick discreet patterns and pastel shades in this area. This way, the baby will easily fall asleep and won’t be scared after waking up.
- Kids from two to four years like green, yellow, blue. A natural color palette fills the space with harmony.
- Children between the ages of four and six become especiallyactive, uncontrollable. To balance their energy, choose a more restrained, discreet color scheme. Give up orange and red wallpaper for a while. Also avoid dark blue, gray and dark green wallpaper. These are too serious colors for children, they will not bring them joy.
- For a child aged six years and over, choosecheerful wallpaper. They can be juicy, bright, interesting, but avoid drawings and patterns. Otherwise, he will be distracted by complex images. Various combinations are possible here, since the baby is no longer interested in one color.
Our opinion:— The color of the wallpaper should encourage the child to mental activity, games, but not traumatize his psyche. Be sure to take into account the temperament of the children. Slow (phlegmatic) children should choose wallpaper in gentle, warm shades. More emotional children are positively affected by a light, cold palette. Yellow and orange wallpaper activates the desire for knowledge. A gentle palette creates a sunny, comfortable atmosphere.
Theme of the drawings: flowers, birds, animals, geometry
Drawings also play an important role, so it is important to choose them correctly. Here are some recommendations that will help you with this:
- For children under two years of age, large, brightly colored designs are allowed.
- Children from two to four years old can choosephoto wallpaper with cartoon characters, favorite animals. The main thing is that the picture is not too colorful. And psychologists do not recommend choosing pictures of animals and other images larger than the child's height. Otherwise, such a neighborhood will frighten and depress him.
- Children aged four to six make wallpaperparticipants in an exciting process. Namely: they use the walls for art. Two-level wallpaper will help out, where the upper part will be for beauty, and the lower part will become a place for creativity. Now there are coloring wallpapers or wallpapers with contours for drawing.
- Wall-papers with a vertical strip are considered the optimum decision for children from six years. Such wallpaper will decorate the space and help the child to concentrate after active games.
Our opinion:— When choosing a wallpaper pattern, you should follow the main rule: the pictures should not be tiring. Therefore, avoid too many images. This also distracts attention. It is better when one plot or a single picture is depicted. For example, there can be butterflies or flowers on one wall, and leave the rest of the walls plain. And complement the interior with a green rug. It is great for a lawn. Wallpaper with plant and flower motifs is considered universal. Avoid abstract patterns, they are more suitable for adults.
For boys and girls
From 9 to 11 years old the period of growing up begins.At this age, color preferences are formed. They are clearly different for boys and girls. Usually, girls like pastel shades and pink colors. Boys opt for the colors of the sea - they feel comfortable if there is green, purple or blue wallpaper nearby. At this age, you can give them the right to make a choice themselves. Although a joint choice of wallpaper is welcomed for any age. After all, children are already little personalities. Tatyana Aprelskaya, interior designer: - The child has his own room. This is already a joy for him! I want him to like living in it. Therefore, the choice of wallpaper is primarily up to him. The child's taste and preferences come first. If you impose your option on him, his life in his own room can turn into a tragedy. It is important that parents, taking into account his choice, stop at the option that suits the concept of the entire apartment and the child's temperament. It is unlikely that a child is able to predict how soon he will begin to tire of the chosen pattern. He will be guided by a momentary impulse. And the parents' task is to analyze the child's temperament. If he is active and lively, calm tones and a neutral pattern will suit him better, otherwise he will be overexcited by the evening. If the child is slow and lethargic, then it will not hurt to "wake him up" with bright colors and an interesting plot.
Towards new discoveries: wallpaper combinations
So that the child does not get overtired and is in good conditionmood and tone, strive to fantasize and develop logical thinking, use combined wallpaper options. This gives you the opportunity to decorate the room in such a way as to bring in color, brightness, dynamics and calmness at the same time. Wallpaper one of the walls with an active color, and let the other walls be restrained, background. Or make a geometric combination: combine squares, polka dots, checkered patterns and stripes in one room. Do not choose earthy and dark brown wallpaper for a child's room. The main rule when choosing wallpaper is that the room should not be boring and too cold.
Furniture and wallpaper
The place at the table where the child learns to write,read, draw, it is advisable to wallpaper with green shades. This will help reduce eye fatigue. Also, such a color scheme increases intelligence. A blue-light blue wall near the bed or in the form of clouds will help you quickly relax, calm down and tune in to rest. If you choose furniture with bright colors, then let the color of the wallpaper be in tone, without additional patterns. Tatyana Aprelskaya, interior designer: - It is also very important that the wallpaper is environmentally friendly, for example, paper. The child will spend a lot of time in his room. While he is at a tender age, we must monitor his health most closely and prevent the child from coming into contact with "chemistry", there is already a lot of it in our lives! When buying wallpaper, you should consult in detail with sellers about the composition of the materials.