
LED ceiling lighting with your hands: rules and recommendations


A person who has decided to take up capitalrenovation of your apartment, now there is a very wide choice. In this case, you have to deal not only with finishing work, but also with an electrician. There are many materials on the market that, due to their technological properties, allow even a beginner to get a decent result. LED can be easily implemented using spotlights or specialized mounting kits. Ceiling with lightA ceiling with lighting will add zest to the interior of any room.

Main options for highlighting

Using different lighting options, you canto achieve both purely decorative and purely practical effects in the illumination of space. Among all the variety of lighting solutions, we can distinguish several, the most common: Connection scheme for multi-colored LED backlight.

  • Spot light by individual LEDsmeans the assembly and connection of the lighting system manually. It differs by the greatest complexity of selection and installation of elements, however it allows to receive interesting light solutions for interior design.
  • Contour (linear) lighting - is realized by installing along the ceiling cornices, plinths, lines of the ceiling level difference of the LED strips.
  • Directional lighting of the ceiling - carried out withusing LED lights forming directional light streams. A number of similar lighting fixtures can be mounted around the perimeter of the ceiling or even on a wall. Turning the body of the luminaire can adjust the direction of the light flux.
  • Use for illumination of diode assemblies. Recently, due to the improvement in the performance of LEDs in a wide sale, assemblies have begun to appear that allow full lighting.
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    Classification of diode lamps

    LED ceiling lighting can beis realized with the help of separate light-emitting diodes, the assemblages executed in the form of tapes, plates. The most convenient for self-installation are LED strips. They are long up to 5 m of the strip on which conductive paths are formed. Throughout the length, with a certain periodicity, diodes are installed - light sources. LED strips are the most convenient forself-assembly. According to the radiated wave, there are two types of tapes - LED, and RGB. In the first case, the resulting light shades can vary from white to warm yellow. RGB tape allows you to change the shade of light. Adjustment of the radiated wavelength is carried out by an additional device-controller. The power of the light strip is indicated in the first two positions of the digital part of the marking. In the technical specifications, the specific power of the backlight per meter is usually indicated. Knowing the value of the specific power, you can easily calculate the total power that LED lighting will consume. To do this, simply multiply the passport specific power by the projected tape length. Based on the received value, the power supply and the controller can be selected correctly. Another frequently used option for lighting organization is the use of ready-made flat LED assemblies, structurally designed in the form of luminaires. The parameter characterizing the intensity of the glow is the number of light sources per meter. Back to contents</a>

    Preparing for the installation of LED strip

    Before you start working on installing the ceiling lighting system by yourself, you need to decide on a number of points:

    • how the backlight will be structured;
    • what mounting elements will be used;
    • what will be the color background of the lighting;
    • how the system will be managed.

    Diagram of LED ceiling tension lighting. LED ceiling lighting should be mounted on ready-made structural elements. In case of using a contour system, the mounting LED strip can be fixed to the shelves formed by the ceiling cornices. In the absence of a cornice around the perimeter of the room a small shelf of plasterboard is formed, on which the illumination sources are installed. Using the tape can also be issued a drop in the ceiling levels or local highlighting of one of the corners of the room or niche. Back to contents</a>

    Composition of mounting kits of a ribbon luminaire

    The most simple for independent executionis the installation of LED tape lightings. On sale there are ready-made installation kits that have different characteristics. Pick up a specific set that meets the conditions of the planned operation, it will not be difficult. The kit usually consists of the following elements: The scheme of connection of monochrome (monochrome) LED backlight.

  • Glow mode control (if RGB tape is used).
  • Light strip of various lengths and with different in characteristics diodes.
  • Power source. Most often, it is a transformer connected to a household power supply and transmitting 24V or 12V.
  • For convenience, the remote control system is also included in the kit.
  • In the case of using LED ribbons, alleasier. Since the length of the light wave does not change, there is no need for a controller. The assembly is connected to the power supply directly. In general, there is no need for remote control. Contacts of the illumination system are output either to a conventional keyswitch or to a device for smoothly adjusting the luminescence brightness (dimmers). Here it is worth noting that the conventional dimmers used with incandescent lamps are not suitable for LEDs. There will be a periodic blinking, as in a strobe. Therefore, if there is a desire to carry out a smooth adjustment, it is necessary to buy a device supporting LED fixtures. Back to contents</a>

    Mounting of LED strip

    LED strip for easy operation has onback to the adhesive layer provided with a protective film. To carry out the installation process, remove the film and press the tape firmly onto the selected surface for a few seconds. Variants of fastening of an LED tape. LED assembly has very small overall dimensions and is installed on pre-prepared landing surfaces. Therefore, in the switched off state, the tape and light sources will be virtually indistinguishable. The main task in this case will be masking the power supply, controller (if available) and connecting wires. Connecting wires can be hidden in decorative cable channels (with external mounting) or behind the surface of the sheathed wall material (gypsum board). In a concrete or brick wall, it is possible to cut through the shroud in advance, and then hide the wiring from the luminaire. The power supply and controller also have to be hidden somewhere - for the surface of the ceiling or in a specially prepared niche in the wall. Back to contents</a>

    Installation rules and recommendations

    Instruction, which is completed with mountingsets, prescribes when installing the backlight to comply with a number of rules, compliance with which will extend the life of the system and get more uniform lighting. During installation, the diode band must be fixed in such a way that the edges of the mounting shelf do not fall into the light cone from the source and do not cast a shadow on the ceiling. The presence of a shadow on the ceiling is undesirable both in itself (in some cases, it can be beaten), and because of the raised demands on the quality of the edges. The uneven line of shadow from the mounting shelf can spoil the final look and lead to the need to reinstall. The optimal way to mount the tape is to place it on the horizontal part of the shelf at one level with the edge or below it by several millimeters. The light flux will be directed to the ceiling. It is permissible to use the option of gluing a light strip on the wall surface. The center of the LED, in this case, in contrast to the previous case, should be a few millimeters above the edge of the cornice. It should be borne in mind that in rooms with a large area of ​​LEDs can fall in the field of view of a person located at the opposite wall. Execution of lighting in large rooms may require the use of belts longer than the standard length. In this case, their connection takes place either by special terminal clamps, or by soldering. A bright uniform glow along the entire length of the illumination is provided by parallel connection of individual sections. With a series connection, the extreme areas will be distinguished by a dimmer glow. It should be noted the importance of safety engineering. The electricity connection must be carried out only after the installation works have been completed and all the contacts have been correctly connected. </ ul>

