Apartments more than 90 sq.m.

Luxury dowry of young wife Ryan Reynolds: penthouse Blake Lively on Fifth Avenue


On 25 August, actress Blake Lively was born. In addition to roles in the movie, she is known for being the wife of Ryan Reynolds. We decided to refute spitpoisons marriage of convenience by showing penthouse acquired it long before the wedding Luxury penthouse on Fifth Avenue (Manhattan), a $ 7.5 million Bleyk Layvli got just a couple of months after the beginning of the meeting with a famous Hollywood handsome Ryan Reynolds. Perhaps, in this way, the girl wanted to show her boyfriend his financial independence. House in which there are 2-storey apartmentsBlack Lively, was built in 1906. A solid age can be easily guessed by the characteristic architectural features, such as huge arched window openings and half-columns. The penthouse is decorated in a modern Scandinavian style.Style. The dominant color in the interior is white. In the main rooms (in the bedroom and in the main living room combined with the kitchen and the dining room), for the quality of contrast, furniture and accessories of black or dark gray are used. On the second floor of the penthouse the mood of the interiorChanges. There are joyful, bright accents here. Partly this is due to the fact that the 2 bedrooms are decorated as children's. Perhaps, it was these rooms that prompted the actress to demonstrate the penthouse to her future husband even before marriage. Most likely, Ryan Reindolds reaction to the interior "with a hint" was positive, as in a year the lovers got married.

Features of the interior in the spirit of Blake Lively

  • To change the interior is more difficult than gloves. But this does not mean that you should not follow fashion. When choosing a style, it is better to choose one that fits modern trends, but it is based on indisputable classical concepts. A vivid example of this style is Scandinavian. Abundance of white in the interior is always a winning technique. And the recommended bright accents not only do not allow the interior to look sterile and faceless, but also give the opportunity to creatively manifest themselves.
  • Free layout of the apartment is not suitableto each. It can burden the inhabitants of the apartment with the lack or lack of personal secluded space. The best compromise between a closed and an open plan is a mixed one: combining the kitchen, dining room and living room allows you to create a spacious public area and keep the privacy of the rest of the premises.

