How to properly purify water so that it can bedrink? We decided to consider the most popular and effective means so that you can choose the one that will be most convenient for you. Or are you already using it? Today, there are many ways to purify water coming into the house. To bring it to a state suitable for consumption, various means are used - from simple folk to modern technological ones. What to choose is up to you, we will only tell you about what we liked the most. 1. Boiling To rid water of microorganisms in it, it should be boiled. This method is one of the most common, a kettle or a thermos can be found in almost any home. But do not forget that water goes through pipes for a long time before getting into the kitchen faucet, so it contains a lot of iron oxides, chlorine compounds and heavy metal salts. When boiling, they precipitate, while the water itself becomes less in percentage terms due to evaporation. And this is not very good, because any impurities sooner or later enter the human body.2.Settling with silicon Silicon is known for its unique bactericidal properties, it does not require electricity or any effort. It will be enough to just buy a few pieces of silicon at the pharmacy and throw them into a jar of water. Ten grams is enough for two liters. After a day, you can safely drink the water, at the end draining only the part that is at the level of the stone. In addition to silicon, shungite is also used for the same purposes.
3.Freezing Along with boiling, freezing has also been used frequently since the time when such an important technical unit of the house — the refrigerator — firmly and, one might say, forever entered our everyday life. In this way, excess salts are removed, since they freeze much more slowly than pure water. It is necessary to pour out what has not turned into ice, and melt the remaining pieces. Such melt water is much more useful than the same boiled water, and given the simplicity of the method, it is not surprising that many use it.
4.Silver Its ions really purify water - that's why silverware has been so popular since the Middle Ages. But, of course, the process of removing harmful impurities and unnecessary chemical compounds does not happen quickly - you need to wait about ten hours. Ideally, you can put a silver spoon on the bottom of a jar of water in the evening and go to bed.
5.Completely popular methods Our people have invented many ways to purify water over the centuries. In various literature, you can find such methods as using rowan berry bunches, radishes, bird cherry leaves, onion peels, iodine, vinegar, coal, wool and wine. Although if you have the last ingredient, you can not even think about water purification. But we live in a modern world, so it is worth turning your attention to more progressive technologies.
6.Solar energy Just a month ago, a working autonomous system costing $16,000 was demonstrated in Israel. It uses solar energy to purify water, which will be especially relevant for remote villages and cities. It was developed by Sundwater. According to the innovators, any dirty water entering the system is heated and evaporated, passing through a special parabolic reflector. The condensate becomes free of impurities and turns into drinking water. Each purification parameter is controlled by a computer.
7.Filters The most common jug filters, which are also used almost everywhere, do not need anything at all. They only require space on the countertop and a monthly cartridge change. The same applies to mixer attachments and simple flow filters, which are used for additional water purification. But they do not guarantee the complete exclusion of unwanted elements.
8.Special systems Multi-stage purification systems are the most effective way to purify water today. They are installed under the sink, which frees the interior from huge cylindrical containers and adds only a small mixer of a very aesthetic appearance. But there are much more elegant solutions. For example, a water supply system, thanks to which you can drink directly from the mixer. You just need to switch the mode of the rotary regulator to fill a glass with regular, filtered or even carbonated water. The LED display will clearly tell you what exactly comes from the mixer, and the stylish design will be a nice addition to your modern kitchen. The main thing is that the system takes up so little space that it can easily fit into a small kitchen cabinet! It also acts as a standard kitchen faucet, that is, it supplies regular water. Separate water channels do not allow filtered and tap water to come into contact, which, in turn, guarantees the excellent quality and taste of Grohe Blue Home drinking water.
Ways of water treatment: 8 ideas for filtering