
Office of the Week: "green" standards for Finnish media


The building and interior of the new Finnish officepublishing house Alma Media came out on the envy of everyone: space, bright colors, an ecological approach To expand the office space is the dream of many, not even the largest organizations. The publishing house Alma Media was lucky to be unthinkable: from its old close office the company moved to its own spacious building in the center of Helsinki. The project was developed by the studioGullstén-Inkinen Design & Architecture. First of all, the designers had to build a building that meets the American standards for green building - LEED (The Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design). The next most important goal of the architects wasthe most effective organization of internal workspaces. The management sought to establish interaction between departments, thus creating conditions for new ways of solving work tasks, and lay the foundation for the development of corporate culture. Grandiose plans demanded non-standardsolutions, and architects created a multi-functional workspace project, where each employee could choose the place most comfortable for work at that particular moment. In order to provide employees of the publishing houseconditions of temporary isolation and noise isolation, Gullstén-Inkinen Design & Architecture even designed a special line of furniture called Nordic Silence, which included headsets with insulating covers, gazebos and separate rooms-boxes. Throughout the building close to elevatorsrecreation areas are located, unobtrusively decorated in shades of the corporate palette. And the very last, fifth floor, was given to a management meeting room, conference rooms and a room specially designed for brainstorming, decorated in a discreet style of a modern Scandinavian chalet with a fireplace and wood trim. Gullstén-Inkinen Design & Architecture

