Do you want to recreate the atmosphere in your interior?the sensational film "Moonrise Kingdom"? Today you will have such an opportunity! Interior designer Stepan Bugaev together with offers you furniture and decor items with which you will live like in a movie In the film by American director Wes Anderson "Moonrise Kingdom" the action takes place in the 1960s on an island in New England. The main characters of the film are teenagers in love Sam and Susie, who dream of escaping from the supervision of their parents together. On the way to freedom they will face many obstacles, but they do not give up the idea of finding the place of their dreams. This is a touching story about love and friendship, which will make you think about serious life issues not only for teenagers, but also for adults. Stepan Bugaev, interior designer Graduated from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology with a master's degree in physics and from the Higher School of Economics with a master's degree in business informatics. He has his own design studio, and has overseen the implementation of over 500 design projects. He is one of the top 100 best designers, according to the leading interior design publication AD. He is a lecturer at the HSE School of Design and teaches his own course, Interior Design. Rules for Creating a Successful Project. He gives open lectures on interior design and writes articles for leading interior design magazines and portals. The home of Susie Bishop's family is a typical northeastern American home of that time — no frills, practical and cozy. Since there are three more children in the house besides Susie, you can see a lot of toys and primitive audio equipment that was just coming into widespread use — portable players and radios.
There are echoes of English in the living roomclassics — lots of dark wood, colorful wallpaper, a luxurious staircase. This is not surprising, because the house is located in New England, and Puritan traditions are honored here. On the floor there is a large colorful carpet, a sofa in the traditional English style strip, on the walls there are dark wood panels. In the corner there is a secretary, on the walls there are small paintings in gilded frames. On the second floor the interior is more laconic and close to the style of the 60s. At that time, bright juicy colors, geometric patterns, futuristic design were just coming into fashion. This recreation room is made in light yellow colors. On the windowsill by the window there is a resting place with a soft pillow and several open boxes for storing books and records. The center of the room is a large round knitted carpet — it is perfect for children to play. In the hallway, several white shelves are built into the wall.
In one of the rooms of the house there is a modernfloor lamp with several lamps. Such floor lamps were very popular in the 60s, but today they do not lose their relevance - they can be found in many modern interiors, especially in Scandinavian ones.
The kitchen may look a little old-fashioned, butIn the 60s, such a kitchen was considered the ultimate dream of any housewife. A combination of pastel colors - yellow and blue - is used here. The triumph of ornaments may seem repulsive at first glance, but it is this technique that creates the feeling of being in a toy house - fabulous and cozy. It is in this kind of interior that children feel most comfortable.
Next to the kitchen is a pantry, where the walls are lined with numerous shelves filled with jars and bottles, the most popular storage containers at the time.
There is a large massive table in the dining area.folding table made of valuable wood. In this room we return to the English style again. The floor is finished with aged parquet, the ceiling has a decorative white plinth, and the doorway is decorated with stucco. Two laconic chandeliers in a classic style mark the dining area.
Like in the movies: creating an interior based on the film "Moonrise Kingdom" –