How to lay linoleum with your own hands?In fact, everything will turn out very easily if you follow certain instructions and advice from professionals. Laying linoleum is much easier than, for example, laminate. So, you bought linoleum, it lies there waiting for its time. And the whole family looks at you thoughtfully with the same question, how to lay linoleum? Maybe call a professional uncle to do it quickly and efficiently? Stop thinking, you can do everything yourself, which will “please” your household budget and feel a sea of positive emotions from what you have done. The main thing is to think everything over in advance and slowly change your home beyond recognition.Floor arrangement diagram.Linoleum is a cheap and practical material. It can transform any room or premises. Today, the building materials market offers a fairly wide range of styles and colors. This allows you to bring any design ideas to life. In addition, linoleum material is highly durable and can withstand considerable mechanical loads. It remains to figure out how to lay linoleum.
Preparing for stowage works
The procedure for laying linoleum at the entrance door. When laying linoleum, you will need the following tools for marking and fitting the fragment:
- ruler and roulette;
- pencil;
- knife stationery;
- scissors.
When you lay linoleum flooring inIf the room is large (more than 25 square meters), then you should stock up on additional tools. However, in smaller rooms, gluing is not used, since free installation is performed. This is:
- glue;
- double sided tape;
- roller;
- putty knife.
The entire possible set of tools is listed, everything depends on what and how you will lay the linoleum.Construction of floors with linoleum covering onground. The first thing you need to do when preparing for work is to clear the room. Take out large furniture and all sorts of objects in the room. The space should be cleared as much as possible. If the work is being done in a two-room apartment, then the linoleum is laid in turns. And the furniture is moved to where nothing is currently being repaired. You have cleared the room, then you need to think about preparing the floor surface. And it does not matter what you covered the floor with before, you need to make sure that before the final laying, the surface on which the material is laid is cleaned and leveled. It is necessary to remove the baseboards on all the walls of the room, since the laid covering will be directly adjacent to them. If you plan to use the baseboard again, then remove it carefully so as not to break it. In this case, you can even number the planks on the back side, putting a similar number on the wall to make further work easier. If the repair work was done quite a long time ago, and it is not possible to remove the skirting boards intact, then it is better to buy new ones. The aesthetics will only benefit. Now it is worth paying attention to the floor itself. If you have decided on a major overhaul, then the ideal option would be to use a self-leveling floor. This option is optimal if the base is made of concrete or cement screed. But in most cases, linoleum is laid on a board or drying parquet. And if you do not plan to remove the old flooring completely, choose one of the options for eliminating unevenness:
Scheme for laying antistatic linoleum.A big problem with old floors is creaking. Therefore, when making repairs, you should pay attention to this. The only goal pursued by all preparatory work is to achieve a perfectly flat and clean floor surface. Protrusions, depressions, all sorts of irregularities and debris on the base of the floor will certainly make themselves known when covering, appearing in places of the most intense wear. Now you know how to level the surface, and you can clean it with a vacuum cleaner and wet cleaning. It is important when laying linoleum to maintain the temperature regime, which varies from +15 to +25 ºС. At lower temperatures, the material may lose elasticity and become brittle. Pay attention to this if you are doing repairs in winter. Even if the room is warm, let the material brought in from the street warm up. The lower the outside temperature, the longer the warming up time will be, up to 12 hours. Before work, spread out the roll and let it lie down. This way you will avoid unwanted "waves". Return to contents</a>
On what to stop the choice?
A small digression to the immediatelaying linoleum will be advice on choosing the material: linoleum and underlay. When choosing the first, you need to make a selection commensurate with the loads that will "fall" to its lot. Also take into account the shoes in which they will walk on the linoleum material, and even the air humidity. Based on this, choose the thickness of the coating. The thicker it is, the stronger it is, of course. For example, a coating with a thickness of less than 3 mm has almost minus resistance and will deteriorate critically quickly with intensive use. Often, when using linoleum, a backing is placed under it. In most cases, these are cork backings. When using them, the effect of easy walking on the floor is achieved. But at the same time, heavy objects will leave their unwanted marks on it. Jute or linen materials also look good as a backing. They are pre-treated with an antifungal compound and provide fire resistance. The use of a backing is recommended if the linoleum is without a base. In this case, insulation is required. Otherwise, the substrates are not used, as they do not have sufficient mechanical strength and rigidity. Return to Contents</a>
Linen linen on your own: recommendations
Scheme of laying conductive linoleum inrolls. As mentioned above, the first thing to check is how level the floor is, whether cracks and protrusions have been removed. After wet cleaning, make sure that the floor remains dry, without any grease, paint or other contaminants. If you are using a backing, then at this stage it is necessary to lay it out as evenly as possible over the floor surface. Then the backing is leveled and trimmed at the corners. Remember, the use of a backing is necessary only if the linoleum does not have a base. Directly laying the linoleum flooring begins from the wall, the least cluttered with furniture and easily visible. The roll of linoleum is rolled out with the flat side near the wall, leaving excess material overlaps on the other walls. Be sure to monitor the location of the pattern. If the roll is not wide enough, you have to join the strips of the flooring.
Structure of household linoleum.To do this, the strips are arranged so that one covers the other with an overlap of about 10 cm. You will have to use glue, attaching part of the strip to the floor in the joint area. Then, using a knife, you need to cut the linoleum at the overlap point under the ruler, removing the cut and gluing the edges. The joint should be as invisible as possible. When the pattern is aligned, you can safely begin trimming the linoleum in the allowance areas, in the corners of the room. This is important and extremely necessary to be able to press the linoleum material to the walls along the perimeter with the greatest density and trim it accurately. Next, using a spatula and placing it in the folds, you press the material to the corner between the floor and the wall. And using a sharp knife, remove the excess part of the covering, that is, what was left for the allowance. After you do this, the maximum gap allowed between the walls and the covering should be no more than 1-2 mm. Don't worry, it won't be there after the final leveling of the linoleum. At this stage, you need to stop working and let the linoleum lie for about 24 hours. The longer, the better. After that, you can safely start installing the baseboards. Laying linoleum with your own hands is not a difficult task that anyone can do. Clear recommendations from a specialist, the necessary free time and a bit of your own hard work - that's the secret to an excellent result that will please you and your whole family.</ ul>