Apartments more than 90 sq.m.

How the London elite lives: a penthouse in a modern style -


Do you know what an English apartment looks like?premium from the inside out? We suggest you take a look at one of these interiors - a project of an elegant penthouse with a gentlemanly character by Staffan Tollgard Design Group. Interiors in luxury apartments are a very special world with their own rules. Pretentiousness is unacceptable here, every detail is in its place, and color combinations are thought out to the smallest detail. Today we invite you to get acquainted with the design project of a luxury penthouse in a prestigious area of ​​London, the development of which was entrusted by the owner to the English studio Staffan Tollgard Design Group. This project is unusual in that the penthouse was originallyWas not a whole flat, but was "assembled" of the two. Hence the main desire of the owner is not just to create a luxurious interior that is appropriate for the level of elite housing, but also to achieve a sense of a single harmonious space, as if this apartment has always been this way. The architectural part of the works was taken by the studio Peek Architects, all the rest were engaged in the designers. Together with the customer, the designers developedA simple and understandable concept: an elegant modern interior, harmonizing with the architecture of the building and reflecting the nature of the area in which it is located. For the future owner of this apartment should be a place where he will be equally comfortable and relax in seclusion from everyday cares, and arrange parties for friends. To achieve these goals, studio designers decided with the help of a variety of rich textures, strict lines and a restrained color scheme with deep color accents, while not breaking and even emphasizing the internal architecture of the building. The sitting room was given the role of the centralRoom, but the real heart of the house was the kitchen in a modern style with a large dining area. The customer is a fan of cooking: he loves and cooks himself, and invites chefs to the house. Thus, the kitchen got three important roles at once: creating a beautiful view from the hallway, being comfortable for the constant use of the family and performing the functions of a small restaurant on the days of the arrival of professional chefs. The rich are meant to emphasize the status of the ownertextures and noble materials. In the interior of the entire apartment, we find a combination of bronze fittings, natural wood and stone, velvet and silk wallpaper. Such a variety of textures makes the environment luxurious and attractive without the use of bright colors, and dark deep colors emphasize the masculine character of the interior. Decorative elements in this apartment are selectedTo match the interior: no bright colors and flashy elements. The main objects of the decor are paintings from the extensive collection of the customer and designer vases of different shapes and sizes.

