
How to properly zonirovat small apartment: an example from Poland


You have a small apartment and you don't know how it isproperly zoning to make the most of the area? There is a solution. Designers from the Polish architectural bureau showed how you can successfully zon even the smallest apartment Designers from Krakow (Poland) Kaja Warycha and Zbigniew Broś demonstrated an excellent example of zoning an apartment with a small area. The guys have been working with the format of small areas for the past few years and have achieved considerable success in this topic. Kaja Warycha, interior designer, architect of Avocado studio Zbigniew Broś, interior designer, architect of Avocado studio There is clearly little space in the apartment, but the whole interior and design is built in such a way that there is absolutely no lack of square meters. The room is perfectly zoned, the whole area is useful and functional.


The bedroom has a minimum of furniture. The bed is small, but comfortable. The owner of the apartment likes peace and comfort in an interior that is not overloaded with decor. Pay attention to the chair. It literally invites you to sit down with a cup of good coffee or green tea and read the mail in the morning and look through the tapes in social networks. The footrest adds comfort to the master and the comfort of the room as a whole. Futuristic lamp balances the cold beauty of an un-decorated wall.

Living room

The living room as the center of the apartment wins all overPoints. The luxury of deliberately negligent brick wall decor, dark, wooden, classic furniture and dim illumination indicate that the apartment is inhabited by a creative person who communicates with people very much and wants to simply relax by watching the favorite TV series and reading the book before going to bed. If he receives guests, they drink white dry wine, eat meat and talk about the poets of the Silver Age. Large windows add a living room to a discreet but distinctive charm. This apartment is simply created for talented, almost brilliant introverts with an interesting, full of mysteries past.


The dining room in the apartment is comfortable and meets allLaws of minimalism. Glass table, lamp-pipes and wooden, perhaps, from oak oak furniture - in this apartment is not in the honor of bourgeois luxury. Here, they like functionality and order.


In a very small apartment designers made twoBathrooms. You can only dream about this in small-size books. They did not move the walls, did not break anything and did not demolish it - they just correctly zoned and decorated the premises. Note that the brickwork is visuallyIncreases the volume of rooms, and white accents bring a note of grace and even some chic. Sinks, lamps in the bathroom and shower area, partially built-in lockers in the wall (a very good idea, in our opinion) - everything has to ensure that people feel the obvious and undeniable comfort of the home. We have prepared several tips for those who want to zonate their apartment on their own or with the help of a designer.

  • Do not skimp on the light in the bathroom and bedroom. These rooms should be well lit in a small apartment.
  • Use white and wood, glass. But avoid metal. He can make an apartment like a box.
  • Prefer the smooth lines.
  • If possible, make windows on the whole wall. This will make the apartment visually great.
  • For a small apartment neoclassicism, minimalism or hi-tech is suitable. But do not overdo it if you decide to mix these styles. Everything should be in moderation.

