To paint the walls red or not to paint them red?Who will find this color useful and even desirable, and who among us should refrain from using red in the interior? Find answers to these and other questions in our new material Perhaps no other color causes so much controversy regarding its use in the interior. Some consider red too flashy, some talk about its excessive intensity, and some even blame this shade for creating an “unhealthy” atmosphere in the space. We found four interior designers who, for one reason or another, included red in their projects, and asked them just one question - why. Here's what they told us. Natalia Chuzhova and Olga Shapovalova, decorators:
- What did Alice think when she found herself through the looking glass?How space is refracted, how many facets, colors and shades it has, how much life and many reflections of it. The space that surrounds us, be it an office or a home, is also a reflection of ourselves, our tastes and needs. It should be comfortable, functional and, of course, beautiful. This is the atmosphere a person finds himself in when he opens the red door of the Manders store. Restraint in everything except color. The emphasis is on it.
Furniture in rich purple and red, shades of blue and gray, combined with light floors. English aristocracy especially for connoisseurs of art, especially modern.
The mirrored ceiling expands the space andconsciousness of visitors. You want to look at yourself in the color spots of reflections, in which neat shelves with the provided assortment of goods are also visible.
Sinking into comfortable chairs, you can calmly and relaxedly devote your time to choosing or talking.
The Manders store is extremely convenient for visitors and functional for staff.Design by Natalya Chuzhova and Olga Shapovalova
Design by Natalia Chuzhova and Olga Shapovalova Olga Shapovalova has prepared tips on using red in the interior. Living room
One of the most suitable colors. I recommend using burgundy or raspberry shades. A properly selected red thing - a sofa or a chandelier - will bring an atmosphere of luxury to the room. Kitchen
Red color improves mood, promotesdigestion and stimulates appetite. Please note that this color visually reduces space, try not to use it in small rooms, but instead, for example, place accents on tiles, textiles or dishes. Bedroom
The impact of red on the human psyche is very great. If the bedroom is a place of rest for you, then opt for a lampshade or red pillows. Children's
In a child's room, red should be used very delicately, so as not to tire the child's nervous system. Limit yourself to accessories of this color.Kirill Lopatinsky, interior designer:
— Below in the pictures is a presentationpodium for the new fragrance Cierge de Lune (Moonlight) by the American brand Aedes de Venustas. The perfume contains a component called "flower of the queen of the night." It was this ingredient that became the starting point for the main idea of the podium. by Kirill Lopatinsky Kirill Lopatinsky, interior designer:
— The first thing that came to my mind duringwork on the project, this is the Victorian image of Elizabeth II from the film "Elizabeth, the Golden Age". However, the Victorian style, despite its inherent luxury and monumentality, is quite gray in itself. And the image of the Queen of Moonlight should be rich and attractive, a bright spot on the GUM line. I prepared three versions of the installation - gray, gold and red. The last one turned out to be the most spectacular, and it was implemented.
Regarding the use of red in residentialinteriors, in my opinion, this shade is too exciting for a dominant position in the palette and should be used in a more measured version, in accents. by Kirill Lopatinsky
Design Kirill Lopatinsky Olga Agapova, interior designer:
- This project (below in the pictures) was created forprogram "Fazenda". The heroine and, accordingly, the mistress of the house dreamed of a red wall that would charge her with energy and inspire her to new achievements, but her husband was completely averse to the color red, preferring white to all colors. The task was not easy - it was necessary to reconcile the diametrically opposed tastes of the two closest people to each other. We still created a red wall, and not even one. We also made a practically white floor, ceiling and most of the furniture. We delimited the "zones of influence" with dark objects, while at the same time collecting them into a common composition. designzhilya.rfDesign by Olga Agapova, Photo by Ekaterina Fedorovskaya, “Hacienda” Channel One
Design by Olga Agapova, Photo by Ekaterina Fedorovskaya, “Hacienda” Channel One
Design by Olga Agapova, Photo by Ekaterina Fedorovskaya, “Hacienda” Channel One
Design by Olga Agapova, Photo by Ekaterina Fedorovskaya, “Hacienda” Channel One Olga Agapova, interior designer:
- In my opinion, red is in the living spaceThe color is best used in public areas. After all, this color is very energetic and stimulating. In the dining room, for example, red will whet the appetite, that is, I would not recommend red to those who try to limit themselves in food. Red needs an energetic "owner", this color makes you move and does not allow you to sit still. A melancholic will never get used to a red interior. However, for a person who lacks energy, red can become a cure. In any case, when choosing this color, you should focus exclusively on the owner, his abilities and needs. designzhilya.rfDesign by Olga Agapova, Photo by Ekaterina Fedorovskaya, “Hacienda” Channel One
Design by Olga Agapova, Photo by Ekaterina Fedorovskaya, “Hacienda” Channel One
Design by Olga Agapova, Photo by Ekaterina Fedorovskaya, “Hacienda” Channel One
Design by Olga Agapova, Photo by Ekaterina Fedorovskaya, “Hacienda” Channel One
Design by Olga Agapova, Photo by Ekaterina Fedorovskaya, “Hacienda” Channel One