Design and Decor

Red cuisine: all the pros and cons -


Red color in the design of the kitchen - one of theactual trends of recent times. With its help you not only can easily compensate for the simplicity of forms and the absence of unnecessary details of your laconic cuisine, but also create a sense of celebration, turning a typical room into a stylish and attractive one. How? Read in our article ...

It so happened that in Russia the cuisine isthe main place of family leisure. Here they discuss news and plans for the foreseeable future, make important decisions and simply gossip without interrupting consumption and producing "tasty and healthy food".

Probably, that is why it is so important for us that the kitchen was not only cozy, ergonomic and comfortable, but also amazed the people around with fashionable design and high adaptability.

And one of the latest trendstime has become an active use in the design of the kitchen in red. Which, in general, is not surprising. He lifts the mood and creates a sense of celebration, and this is what we lack in the dank and cloudy days of the autumn-winter period. Red is able to transform any faceless room of the most standard layout, turning it into a bright, stylish and attractive. Red: the psychology of perception

The choice of colors is a complex process. The main thing is to understand how long you can feel comfortable in the chosen palette. In many respects it depends on age and temperament. If you are young, full of energy, and energy "beats you with the key", if you are an extraordinary person, bold and extravagant, if you are passionate and emotional, then among the bright colors and contrast combinations you will feel quite comfortable.

Strangely enough, but on the process of supply, the choice of coloralso has an effect. Psychologists say that properly selected colors of the interior of the kitchen contribute to good appetite and digestion. Thus, yellow in most people associates with butter and significantly improves digestion. The blue color, or rather, the light that reflects it, suppresses the appetite, giving the products a "deathly pallor." The same black color in the kitchen helps to concentrate during cooking and eating. As for red, it stimulates appetite, so it does not suit those who diet all the time. Although if used as accents, there will be no problems with excess weight. The main thing is not to overdo it!

It should be remembered that the excess of redeven in a very spacious room can tire, cause discomfort and irritation. Therefore, carefully study the entire huge spectrum of halftones and shades of color (purple, cherry, coral, burgundy, terracotta, pomegranate), choose the one closest to you in spirit and complement it with neutral colors and colors-companions. Especially expressively red will look with gray colors, silvery, warm shades of beige and brown. Contrasting combinations of red with white and black will favorably emphasize the saturation and depth of color, will lift the mood. What should be red?

Do not forget that active colorsvisually reduce the space, so if you are the owner of a small kitchenette, in no case should you make red a leader, and use it only as a bright decorative element.

If you have already decided to decorate your kitchen in redtones, then think over what surfaces it will cover: walls, floor, ceiling, facades ... If the choice fell on the wall, the designers recommend choosing the one with the window or the one on which you plan to place the decorative apron. To this background, furniture is better to choose light, it will greatly facilitate the overall perception of space. But the furniture of dark colors will add to the interior of heaviness.

Red furniture on a white background (walls, ceiling andfloor) will look especially impressive, but to create a special chamber atmosphere the walls are better to withstand in dark colors (brown, black, gray, blue). True, such a combination will visually make the premises smaller, but glossy facades will help to save the situation. Reflecting from them the light will add to the interior of lightness. Red accents

If you are afraid that your expressive naturered even more "irritate", then give the kitchen an original and stylish look will help spectacular red accents: red dishes and cutlery with colored pens, posters and photographs in bright frames, vases of unusual shapes, lampshades. And, of course, stylish household appliances: hoods, food processors, electric kettles, blenders, toasters, coffee makers, refrigerators and other gadgets that make our life easier and more pleasant. Excellent solution - red fridge

Of all the listed things, the refrigerator, perhapsone of the most notable kitchen gadgets, which is simply destined to become a bright art object in your kitchen. And this role will be perfectly handled by a stylish one, who has many useful features hidden behind a bright facade made of shock-resistant colored glass.

In addition, that the refrigerator is incredible(on its five shelves you can place even very large jars and bottles, and put up to 15 kg in the freezer) and is divided into special zones (Hydro Fresh Zone for fruits and vegetables, Cool Frezh Zone for meat and fish), where the optimal level is maintained humidity and ventilation through the antimicrobial filter, it is also equipped with such a useful option as locking the door and the control panel. An option was invented to protect children from accidental interference with the system. However, it is possible that a door locked at night will help even lovers of late snacks to follow a diet ...

Another nice option is the minimum electricity consumption during the absence of the owners!

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