When we hear the words "German design", weWe think about efficiency, practicality, functionality. Qualities that are extremely useful when designing a space where everything should be in its place for maximum convenience. Read all about the secrets of stunning kitchens from Germany in our article Made in Germany is still a kind of quality mark. Traditional traits of the national character, such as thoroughness, scrupulousness, pedantry, are reflected in ideas that make everyday life easier. Back in the 1920s, the legendary Bauhaus art school opened in Germany actually became the cradle of design in its modern sense. It was here that the philosophy that is still in demand today was formed: each object should perform its practical functions and be convenient, accessible and beautiful. Watching how this approach is now being implemented in the field of creating unique kitchens is a pleasure for the consumer. Olga Lesina, interior designer: - The kitchen is a place where everything should be at hand. This makes work more efficient and the mood better. German design 100 percent fulfills all tasks related to convenience, functionality, ergonomics of all parts of the set - from handles to built-in scales, from the material of the countertop to the lines of the facade. All the contents of the drawers and cabinets are thought out in advance, you do not have to decide on your own where it is best to store spices, put a trash can, arrange a place for household appliances. The key word here is "practicality", this is what makes kitchens designed in Germany so popular and convenient for living. Efficiency of form The combination of the rejection of unnecessary details with the highest quality is the secret of popularity all over the world. Smooth surfaces, clear lines and symmetrical shapes add up to a complete image that will not raise questions like "why is this here?" Everything is in its place and everything works in the best possible way. This effect is called "engineering aesthetics" - the beauty of the achievements of technical thought.Kitchen Ultima by EWE factory, showroom "Kitchen interiors"
Kitchen Classic FS by Leicht, showroom “Kitchen interiors”
Kitchen Alea by Varenna factory, salon“Kitchen interiors” Ergonomics Have you heard of the "Frankfurt kitchen"? In 1927, it was invented by a female architect working in Berlin, Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky. Having carefully studied all the movements of the housewife during work with a stopwatch, she created a modular design that occupied only 6.5 square meters - not a single millimeter was wasted. 18 trays, sliding doors, compact built-in furniture, thoughtful placement of every detail - all this saved the housewife's time. The idea became the prototype of modern kitchens based on the achievements of the science of ergonomics - a discipline about the effective interaction of man with the environment.
Modern reconstruction of the "Frankfurt kitchen"
Kitchen ORLANDO | CLASSIC-FS 2 by Leicht, showroom “Kitchen interiors”
Kitchen Twelve Handle by Varenna factory, showroom “Kitchen interiors”
Kitchen Vida by EWE factory, showroom “Kitcheninteriors” Functionality The proof of the unrivaled functionality of German kitchens is their internal filling and equipment, solving all possible problems. Are your spoons and forks lying in disarray? Please, here are special inserts in the drawers with compartments for all cutlery. Do you want to store things from different areas on an open shelf - mugs, plants, souvenirs, photos? A removable divider will turn one large compartment into nine small ones at once. Is the overhead light not enough for delicate operations with food? Convenient lighting is provided. German designers have thought in advance about everything that you are just beginning to think about when planning a kitchen.
Kitchen by Leicht factory, showroom "Kitchen interiors"
Kitchen from EWE factory, showroom "Kitchen interiors"
Kitchen factory Leicht, showroom “Kitcheninteriors” Modern technologies Progress does not stand still, and German kitchens are created at the most modern level. Just a few years ago, cabinets that opened as if by magic from one touch seemed fantastic. Now they are widespread and popular, and the mechanisms are constantly being improved - the opening is smooth, the door can rise up or move to the sides and stop moving when it encounters an obstacle. Another example is a speaker built into the kitchen module for ideal music sound or enjoying your favorite movies without interrupting your "production". It is safe to say that design now directs all efforts to ensure that, thinking about the beauty of the interior, we in no way sacrifice comfort - this is indicated by all its . Inna Raskina, interior designer: - Modern kitchen models, regardless of the country of manufacture, are similar in design and ergonomics, and this is no secret to anyone. Adherents of the modern style have a huge choice for the implementation of their design ideas in the kitchen interior. But I can say with confidence that there are still differences in the approach to designing and creating kitchens by German manufacturers. It is in them that you will see a bright, stylish, certainly taking into account all the latest innovative solutions manifestation of high design in the kitchen space.
- For example, lviv beauty salonsDesigned in such a way that ensure a smooth transition of the kitchen to the living area. In them you will find not only classical elements - a wardrobe, a sink, a stove and a refrigerator, but also a showcase with illumination for art objects, a library for inspiration, a fireplace or, for example, a wooden bench!
- Another example: Using unique technology of edging of cabinets with a special edge with a tubular seal, German kitchen designers have achieved additional protection from dust entering the cabinets. A very useful innovation, and at the same time, an additional quietness is provided when closing the door.
- I also want to note one more feature inApproach to the design of German cuisine - increased attention to functional accessories. One of the most useful additional elements that the Leicht kitchens are equipped with is the drawer opening system under the trash can. At the plinth level, there is a sensor that responds to movement. The functionality of such an accessory can not be overestimated.
The list of advantages of the performance can go on and on.German kitchens, but for me their main difference from other, no less respected manufacturers is a special style. It combines practicality, elegance, purity of correct lines and at the same time has unlimited possibilities to give the kitchen a completely new, unique look. facebook.com/inna.raskina.3Kitchen LARGO-FG | IOS-M by Leicht, showroom “Kitchen interiors”
Kitchen from EWE factory with built-in speaker, salon “Kitchen interiors”
Kitchen by Varenna factory, showroom "Kitchen interiors"