March is the best time todecide what and how will be placed on your site - if it is new. And what will be planted in different zones. Some types of work can be started as early as March, if the plantings have existed for more than one year. Are you partial to landscape design and want to try to do everything yourself? Why not try to turn a standard six-acre plot into something your favorite and most beautiful? And if you can fit in a vegetable garden, that would be absolutely wonderful! To begin with, you should decide on the main question - will this be a garden for the soul or are you “going to live” from your plot? How to plan a 6-acre summer cottage depends on this. Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, berries, bell peppers and hot peppers, apples and plums and other things that are eaten in an “ecologically clean form”. These are two fundamentally different approaches to planning, and it will not be possible to combine them without damaging each of them. Either absolutely decorative ideas, or a reasonable compromise, when the vegetable garden acts primarily as a beautiful element of the garden plot. We will also tell you how a computer can help you save money on a project at the development stage. Planning stage Planning is the development of a sketch of what and how will be present on the site. Twenty years ago, you would have to use a sheet of paper in a box, then transfer the site plan to a sheet of Whatman paper, to scale, of course. Today, doing planning in this way is equivalent to going to the sea in a cart. You will get there eventually, but why waste extra time? Special programs, of which there are a dime a dozen, help you cope with the work. And among them there are quite basic ones, which even an ordinary user with “ordinary” computer skills can work with. The database of ready-made images is very large, and they can be edited, adjusting them to the desired size. As a result, you will get a picture that will show exactly how your site will look after the work on it is finished.
The programs are so versatile thatallow you to combine existing buildings with invented zones and choose from many options the most rational and at the same time beautiful, suitable for you and your family. By the way, if you still order a draft design from professionals, it will cost about 10 thousand rubles. If the implementation of the project is entrusted to a contractor, then this money will be crossed out from the total estimate (competition, however, you need to fight for the client). We will show what exactly can be obtained in reality, initially designing it with a specialized graphic editor. What should be taken into account when planning a site There are three groups of factors that are important when planning buildings and zones on a site: the nature of the location relative to the cardinal points and illumination during the day, plus the wind rose; features of the relief; the need to comply with hygienic and fire safety standards. The last point is actually the least important, because modern autonomous sewage systems (in the absence of a common sewer) are completely safe in terms of sanitary and hygienic indicators and are always installed in compliance with certain rules. As for the fire hazard of a house with all the amenities (lightning protection is installed by default) - gas or electric stove and boiler - it is quite enough to adhere to the usual norms and requirements typical for an apartment in a multi-story building. The barbecue area is not located on a wooden veranda, so this danger does not exist.
Location factor by cardinal directions Residentialthe building needs less light than plants. Besides, the windows will still get enough light if you plan everything correctly. But it is absolutely unacceptable to block the area from the sun by placing the house on the south side. At the same time, the facade should not be strictly oriented towards direct sunlight, which any architect will confirm to you. An exception is possible if it is planned to shade the windows from the sun with greenery. But the issue of orienting the house to the cardinal points in the case of cottage villages with ready-made houses, as you understand, is not relevant at all. Everything that can be taken into account by the architects.
Relief factor If you have a slopea plot for development or you bought a ready-made house on a slope, there is nothing to choose from. Most often, the house is located at the highest point, but there are exceptions. In any case, it is worth thinking about how many unusually interesting design solutions can be implemented using the difference in height on the site. Expressive private houses on slopes surrounded by "alpine" or other types of landscape are always amazing and bright, creative and not banal by definition.
Species garden for unity with nature Whatcan be placed on your local area, in addition to a gazebo, garage, summer kitchen and other necessary and traditional elements and plantings? How to do it beautifully and originally, or just beautifully? Basically, the owners of a suburban area focus on creating a beautiful, decorative and original garden for relaxation. Somewhere in the back, you can also place a vegetable garden, plant several fruit trees, but their main purpose is to serve as elements of the overall artistic composition. It is determined by the nature of the site, its orientation to the cardinal points, your taste and the wishes of your family and friends who live here. And there are simply an incredible number of implementation options, for every taste and wallet.
Garden on the site for unity with the vegetable gardenLet's consider where the obvious beauty of the landscape is combined with its "taste" qualities. Today, a fashionable trend is to bring a full-fledged vegetable garden with green crops into a species garden, which is sometimes even more decorative than flower beds. If you use your imagination and use the developed schemes, then it turns out very original and beautiful. And it does not require significant expenses: in most cases, such solutions are quite feasible to implement on your own. You will have to tinker, but you will not need a bulldozer or a crane. But you are guaranteed to get pleasure from the implementation of original solutions! And the hostess will be pleased, because she will have a large number of environmentally friendly vegetables and herbs at hand.
"Transport infrastructure" on the siteGarden paths today are considered not just as convenient passages from the house to the utility room, recreation area, to the garden and vegetable garden, and so on. A garden path is an independent decorative element that combines a functional load with an aesthetic one. There are a great many options for implementing such paths and paths, and sometimes they set the style of the entire landscaped area.
What to do this season At the end of March -In early April, thaws can be followed by frosts, and this is very dangerous for the bark and buds of fruit trees. Therefore, in the garden, special attention should be paid to protecting the bark of trees from damage (beating off the crust and freeing branches from under the snow), spring pruning before the sap begins to flow, fertilizing and preemptive pest control. Garbage removal (after the snow melts), restoration of everything damaged by snow and long-term bad weather. Fruit trees should be whitewashed, protecting the bark from the sun and preventing it from warming up too early - no one has canceled recurrent frosts! And the main gardening chores are carried out at home - you need to sow vegetables for seedlings and take care of them. A detailed schedule of work is varied and extensive, it is better to familiarize yourself with it in any gardener's calendar. Taking into account the decorative nature of your garden.
Six hectare: how to plan a site of small size